subject: A Women's Tankini Swimsuit Can Save You From A World Of Embarrassment [print this page] The women's tankini swimsuit is the perfect way to avoid embarrassing situations associated with bikinis and still be able to wear a two piece bathing suit. When I was young I always wanted a bikini, but my mom was quite adamant about the fact that I should always wear a modest bathing suit. I will never forget a story that my told me when I was a little girl that did a great job of proving this point.
My mom grew up in a family of swimmers. She and her siblings were on swim teams and several of her siblings were body guards. One time when my mom was in high school she went to a pool party with several friends and there was one girl there that was wearing an unbelievably extreme bikini. It was the type that would get the naughty boys' attention, but would make the innocent boys blush.
Well, this girl was being kind of silly and flirty like many high school girls do. I get the feeling that my mom might have even been a little jealous of the attention that the girl was getting, but at the same time she was annoyed that a girl would lower herself to the level of acting so dumb just for a little time in the lime light.
Little did my mom know that in a few minutes instead of feeling pangs of jealousy she was going to be feeling sorry for this girl.
My mom watched as the girl walked towards the diving board. Being someone with a lot of experience at swimming pools herself, my mom was a bit surprised that the girl would even venture to pull off a dive wearing her skimpy little bathing suit.
Within seconds the girl's worst nightmare came true. She jumped into the water and came back up to the surface just fine, but unfortunately her swimming suit top didn't come back up with her. The girl went over the ladder on the side of the pool and pulled herself out of the water with confidence not realizing that a crucial part of her swimwear was missing.
Well, you can imagine that those innocent boys were not only blushing now. They were probably about to pass out from the shock of indecent exposure.
Needless to say, after hearing my mom's story, I never had any desire to wear a bikini again. I would advise anyone who feels the need to wear a two piece to opt for the safer women's tankini swimsuit.
by: Art Gib
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