subject: Considerations In Designing Kids Football Kits [print this page] Football kits serve many purposesFootball kits serve many purposes. For one thing, wearing the football uniform of a certain team, say, Manchester United is a source of pride for their players and supporters. In the case of players, their kit reinforces their unity as a team simply because of the sense of belongingness that uniforms give to their wearers.
For another thing, football wear provides protection for the players as they play the game. This is true regardless if the sun is shining or the sky is cloudy - the fabric must be durable to withstand strenuous use while also providing for comfort to the wearer.
With that being said, the design of football strips for kids should be made with careful thought. Durability and functionality comes first on the list of priorities while beauty comes in second for obvious reasons. Here are the factors that must be considered in designing a great football kit for kids specifically the shirt and shorts.
Fabric Choice:
The first consideration is the choice of fabrics for the shirt and shorts. Again, you want to ensure that the kids will be comfortable while wearing their kit even under the heat of the sun and the coolness of the rain.
The best fabric for is, of course, polyester specifically made from jacquard looms. In the most reliable online retailers you are given two choices of the standard jacquard (100% polyester) and the premium jacquard (lightweight micro-mesh polyester), both of which should be able to withstand training and match-play conditions.
Both of these fabrics are also desired for football kits for the following reasons:
Lightweight and yet durable
Breathable coupled with moisture-wicking qualities
Colour-fast and stain-resistant
Soft on the skin
Also, the neck and sleeve trims on the shirts must be of the same fabric as the shirt itself. Otherwise, the colours will bleed into each other, thus, ruining the effect.
Sleeve and Shorts Length:
The next consideration is the length of the sleeves of the shirts as well as the shorts. In football, both short and long sleeves are acceptable. The choice depends on the need for protection - long sleeves for warmth during cooler weather and short sleeves for cooler bodies during warmer days.
As for the shorts, there are no hard and fast rules as to their length for as long as the players are comfortable. Thermal under-shorts can be worn for both protection and modesty although these should be of the same colour as the overlapping shorts.
Other equipment for the lower body in kids' football kits includes shin pads and socks, which can be made from various materials such as fabric, rubber and plastic. For as long as these are not deemed dangerous to the player him/herself and to other players, then these are acceptable in whatever colour, style and length desired.
Logos, Team Names and Other Symbols:
Of course, no football kit will not be complete without the team colours, logos and names appearing on the shirts and shorts. Ask your local club about the rules and regulations regarding the placement, size and style of these details on the football kits.
Also, you must ensure that the colours used on the fabric are actually the team colours. Colours are, after all, important aspects of distinguishing one team from the other on the field.
Go to an online retailer of kids' football kits especially one that offers a design application. You can then readily design and redesign the kits until you have exactly what you want, all in a few clicks of the mouse.
by: Lawrence White
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