subject: Save On Car Repair By Buying A More Reliable Vehicle [print this page] If you dread dealing with car repair, why not choose a vehicle that is more reliable with overall cheaper maintenance fees? Certain makes and models are dirt cheap to fix, and generally have few problems to deal with from the start. Other vehicles can be fussy, difficult to take apart, and hard to find reasonably priced parts. Here is a guide to help you choose a low maintenance vehicle that can save you money on car repair through the years.
Some autos are built solid. They can be run into the ground, never stall, and hardly require more than an oil or brake pad change. Surprisingly, you don't have to be wealthy to be able to afford one of these beasts either. Nearly all of the most reliable vehicles as noted by several trade magazines and auto enthusiasts are competitively priced when picked up new. Choosing a bare bones model with no bells and whistles can easily cost well under $30,000, sometimes even $20,000. The majority are Japanese manufacturers, and while not exactly sporty or exciting, they get the job done for thousands of miles. What makes these vehicles even better is that they also tend to hold their value easily. A reliable and gently used vehicle is a real prize in the private market, and you can expect to find a buyer with ease or get a decent trade-in price. You may be salivating over a rare dragster or obscure eastern European mini-mobile, but are you willing to deal with the excruciating cost of parts as well as hours spent hunting for them? Just the cost of parts alone can greatly increase your overall car repair costs, especially if you choose a model that is rare or unusual. The top auto brands, which will be any that you regularly see in your average supermarket lot, will have less expensive parts due to their availability. However, sometimes people are surprised when parts are a bit pricey for fairly ubiquitous cars. It really can range, so before choosing a vehicle you might want to do a little research on the parts availability in your local area. The internet, particularly auction sites, can be useful. Enthusiasts may also just find it easier to buy an extra "parts" vehicle to cannibalize from.
Certain vehicle models are also easier to navigate by mechanics, which means they don't have to dismantle half the engine to perform a simple task. The less work there is for a car repair shop to do, the more money you will save on labor. Types of vehicles that tend to raise the tricky factor include imports (unfamiliarity will slow down the job, so try to seek specialists), luxury autos both domestic and European, sports models, large pickup trucks, and anything that can be deemed remotely "exotic." So if your vehicle is named after a dangerous animal or has more electronic gear than a computer store, you're going to be paying up big time.
by: Andrew Stratton
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