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Travel Around The Best Nightclubs In St Lucia Tours

Nightlife in StNightlife in St. Lucia is really interesting and you can become the part of this thrilling and happening activity of this island. While planning holidays to St Lucia you can easily plan to explore these best nightclubs, bars and discos. Most of the St Lucia hotels and resorts offer some kind of entertainment on all seven days of the week which includes cultural performances and local live bands. You can also find a number of restaurants and bars all over the island which are fun places at night. Some of the popular nightclubs which you can include in your St Lucia holiday packages are mentioned below:

One of the best place is Pulse Night Club this is an executive lounge which is perfect for an after work drink try out the disco here which is open from 5pm until the sunrise you can warm up yourself at the dance floor which features latest strobe lights. A late night snack is good option to taste the local flavor of this island and it is always available at the onsite restaurant. Before coming for holidays in St Lucia you can call directly to the club for direct bookings. Another interesting club which you can enjoy in St. Lucia tours is Upper Level Night Club, it offers live entertainment on the upper level and themed nights are also available in this club. This is located in Rodney Bay and you can visit this place in your St Lucia tours.

Mango's Bar is one more stunning bar which is situated besides Coco Kreole and this lively street side bar is one of the best hot places for strip. You can visit this place in your cheap St Lucia holidays. Delirius, is located in the midst of the Rodney Bay action and this is open air deli-style eatery which go round into strip and become on the great hot night spots. As this is open floor so it allows the tourists maximum mingling around the full service bar and to enjoy this picturesque place just book your cheap holidays in St Lucia. Happy Day Bar is one more interesting place which you can visit in your St Lucia tours it is located in the Marina Front courtyard of Eagles Inn at the finish of the Rodney Bay Village strip. Menu of this place includes a variety of beer, wine, liquors, beer and local barbequed food. You can also get discounts at this bar and you can also book your cheap flights to save more money while traveling to this island.

by: Shubhra Joshi

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