subject: Direct Payday Lenders: Avoiding Crucial Mistakes [print this page] It is pretty much common knowledge now that securing an online payday style cash advance is easier than ever. More site operators mean competition has increased, making it easier than ever before for your application to be excepted. So the way it stands right now, is that if you have a job, and if you have a bank account then chances are that you qualify. Even so, some pitfalls still remain that are best to be avoided.
Crucial errors that can work to run the cost of your loan up higher than you may have anticipated, and do keep one thing in mind. That is that because these are high risk loans that require no collateral, they already tend to be the most costly borrowing option out there. So the last thing you need is to make any crucial errors that work to increase your final bill any higher. So then what are some of the most common of them?
Well for sure incurring late payment fees is by far the most common "budget buster" out there. Particularly, if your payday loan only has a two-week finance period because it can roll around quicker than you may have anticipated. Then, if you're late multiple times, and getting the multiple late payment fees, it can really work to run your costs up. So the simple solution here is to stay alert and be ready with the cash when it comes time to make your loan payment.
Then another all too common mistake that far too many borrowers make, is taking out a loan for someone else. Perhaps a friend who has the income but for some reason, like maybe they lack bank account, they're simply unable to clear the application process. So they ask "you" to take out the loan on their behalf with the promise to pay when it comes due. All too often, though, when the loan comes due they're long gone, and it's you who end up paying.
Then there's an even more foolish mistake that you can make, and that is to use "altered or even fake paperwork" when you apply for an online loan. Any loan for that matter. This is what's called loan fraud and there are people sitting in jails, and prisons right now for doing just that. Falsified paperwork. Be fully aware that the size of the loan has no bearing in the eyes of the law, and if you default, the lender is going to go over your paperwork in detail.
Then lastly, make sure to take the time to read, and comprehend your loan contract carefully before you agree to it. All too often folks who are short on cash and apply for a payday loan simply want to get the money in their hands as soon as possible. All site operators are not the same, though, so some do offer better terms than others. So it's worth the little time that it takes to read all the fine print on any loan form.
Copyright (c) 2011
by: Andrew Scherer
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