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subject: Our Country Women Wear One's Hair In Braids The History [print this page]

Now, the Wa national minority girl fine silks' silver-haired band, the black hair which scatters one installs the powder to arrange in order Canada to be elegant. Cuts the short ghd australia hair, ancient said that breaks sends, as early as namely appeared in the Neolithic Age. Gansu tsinan earth bay unearthed supine The beautiful cultural temple bottom channel time person first shape mouth painted pottery bottle, the bottle mouth number of people, first goes against the hair uneven volume; The following hair uneven neck, to break the hair style obviously, but this utensil was had five millennium histories. Leaves in the blue virgularia bay An earth Neolithic Age colored drawing on pottery photograph earthenware jar, after its hair style is the brain, long hair shawl; First goes against also makes the ghd uneven volume short hair. Breaks sends, sent in the race south the ancient times to be more popular. "the Chinese recalled. The geography will" has the human the article The body breaks sends the record; "Huai Nan Zi.

The sorrow swindles teaches vulgarly" also has: jumps over the human sends the record; "Yunnan conveys an idea or ambition the manuscript. The non-Chinese southern person will" in the illustration the Ukrainian woman's hair style, first goes against makes the uneven volume short hair, after the brain, the hair to throw ghd outlet over Has dispersed the shoulder. At present, the Drung national minority women, the Loba national minority women still had break send the custom. 2. the pigtail sent the woman still to comb braid's nationality to be many, some custom which spread down for the ancient times; After some are, is affected the nationality combs Gets up.

Our country women wear one's hair in braids the history which sends to be remote, along with the human esthetic consciousness's production, Neolithic Age's people, starts to comb the scattered in disorder hair, some of them cut off the long hair; Some send the band to tie sends; Some people publish Cheng Bian. In the Qinghai Datong County Sunjiazhai leaves on gentleman's cheap ghd Neolithic Age painted pottery trough, draws has the people hand in hand stamping the feet and singing scene, in each person's top of the head, sags some pigtail to send. Although is only Jan Single publishes the pigtail, but in really has some knowledge, the pigtail sends combs how many which differently the law and the pigtail send, not only uses for to compare favorably with, but also the achievement differentiates the young girl, the grown-up girl and wife's mark frequently. The pigtail sends the hair style is main Has:

by: kokotan

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