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Eye Doctors' Routine Eye Exams To Avoid Glaucoma

Glaucoma is widely recognized as a single optic disorder, but is actually a group of illnesses that damage the optic nerve. The optic nerve is responsible for transmitting neural impulses from the retina to the brain. When the eye experiences too much pressure, the optic nerve can get damaged, darkening one's vision in the affected eye(s). If left untreated, glaucoma can lead to blindness.

Unfortunately, glaucoma often goes undetected in many cases until irreversible damage is done to the eye. Sometimes, the disease is called the "thief of sight" because no apparent symptoms appear in its early stages. Fluctuating binocular peripheral vision difficulties are possible symptoms. Severe eye discomfort, headaches with nausea, vomiting, and blurry vision with halos around lights are other possible symptoms.

Glaucoma occurs when large amounts of fluid buildup within the eye, putting more pressure on the organ than it can normally withstand. Imagine your eyes as a garden hose with water flowing from it. If you plug the hose and keep the water running, water pressure builds up until the hose bursts. However, there are some cases when high pressure in the eyes does not lead to glaucoma. This is known as ocular hypertension, the condition of having high intraocular pressure without optic nerve damage and visual field loss.

These problems can be detected in eye exams before they cause major harm. If you experience the symptoms mentioned above, it is best to contact an eye doctor Abbotsford has. The American Optometric Association even recommends that adults consult an experienced eye doctor every two years for eye exams. Such eye care professionals can also detect risk factors for eye diseases and recommend the appropriate treatment plan.

An eye doctor Surrey BC residents visit is someone you can trust. Optometrists diagnose vision problems and eye diseases and prescribe medication and treatment before and after surgery. They can also prescribe corrective eyewear like glasses or contact lenses. If your condition needs special care and treatment, an optometrist can refer you to an ophthalmologist who can give surgical treatment.

Choosing Abbotsford eye doctors ought to be done with the same degree of care as finding a physician. Ask friends and relatives for referrals or browse the web for a list of specialists in your area. Do not forget to perform thorough background and track record checks to avoid dealing with fraudulent eye care professionals. Seek those with certification from the American Optometric Association.

by: Vincent Davis

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