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subject: The Invisible Men From Punjabi [print this page]

The Invisible Men From Punjabi

Despite the increased vigilance of immigration authorities in Germany, a great number of Indians have been able to reside in the country despite the absence of proper immigration documentation. A study was able to delve deep into the lives and travails of the so-called invisible men from Punjabi.

The greatest number of Indian immigrants to Germany hail from the Punjabi province. A great number of them remain undocumented and live in fear of being found, arrested and then deported. Despite such fear, they eke out a living in clandestine businesses and under the table operations, often classified as work that is either dangerous, degrading and/or dirty.

Many Punjabi immigrants came to Germany not because of political or asylum reasons but essentially to find work opportunities to earn money for themselves and their families. Despite the hardships of work and danger, these individuals have kept firm on their faith and have been frequent participants of their Gurudwara. They firmly believe in their faith that would lead them to their success.

One way that the German authorities can assist these invisible people is through health legislation that can assist these undocumented immigrants in acclimatizing to the country. This can be done through more freedom for medical personnel to accept patients that pay on a cash basis and through assistance of NGOs that particularly focus on the health and welfare of these individuals in Germany.

Because of the agrarian and subsistence background of many Punjabis in Germany, their health concerns are left to the backburner compared to many other daily concerns. This becomes a major issue because many jobs that these individuals are employed in are dangerous, dirty and dehumanizing. When placed in a unhygienic and unsanitary living accommodations, health issues easily become a major concern for many illegal immigrants, not only of Indian descent.

Aside from the physical health issues, many of the invisible men from Punjabi suffer from many emotional issues, such as depression and anxiety. Because of the prolonged isolation, harsh working and living conditions, constant fear of being arrested because of their status, many of these individuals suffer from mental disorders and are prone to violence, both self-inflicted or committed on others within their community. Another factor is the high jealousy factor within and amongst the community, where tattletales are a major concern and many often become irked when another has been able to find a way to a better life and status. Trust between and amongst the community leads to further isolation and depression with the compounded issue of illegality and lack of access to many basic services.

by: Bobby Castro

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