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subject: Christmas Holidays Is The Best Time Of The Year To Create Peacefulness With All World [print this page]

Christmas Holidays Is The Best Time Of The Year To Create Peacefulness With All World

To be in love with Supreme Being you need to love all other offspring of God, you need to learn to truly love and resolve all troubles by means of genuine divine love. The single best God gifted you is the one you love - the spouse God gifted you to be made happy by you also to be adored by you. Your soul mate is what you miss most once you have lost it - to have a real love love affair with your better half real love all the time in all situation is million times stronger to resolve breakup than any rational means. To get in love and peace of mind with an individual love you should be with him her = next to and together in all situations of life.

Use this coming Christmas time to harmonize in the innermost heart with all members of opposite sex and with your spouse above all. Focusing in partaking all, sharing all your time and all your passion with your love rather than blowing time for foreign traveling or a vacation.

All you need to regain your inner peacefulness is time at home in a cozy tranquil surroundings. Learn to love your kids as much as your husband or wife and your partner as much as your kids. Emphasis on inner real love evidenced in soft angelic passion skin to skin. Share days or weeks of Christmas in this inner focus of true romantic love for each other rather than for shopping or presents of stuff nature. The single best you ever can give your family is your innermost true love - from heart to heart.

Christmas time is about passion and nothing but real love. To get your love flowing you first need to get in peace of mind with all. With you first. Forgive yourself for whatever errors you may have made in the past. Then ask in your heart others for pardon for any hurting or problem you may have caused in your past.

The wish to God and ask for curing of your heart and soul. Be well prepared for God love and benedictions from heaven. Christmastime is for all, regardless of what culture, gender or religion.

Divine bliss and love never can be stored and received later. Either you take the time and create the condition and environment needed or all the love flows toward others! There is year round a huge quantity of love and bliss available from Supreme Being and your Guru and other loving souls, but Christmas is a prolonged period for all world, for all cultures and all faiths. open up your heart and accept all love and bliss. For your welfare as well as for the benefit of all your dear ones.

Give some smaller presents also to complete outsiders and neighbors. Flowers even a single flower may open up your and their heart or extend any similar small gifts from your heart to open your heart toward all directions. Learn and exercise to give, to make happy, to make a smile and also to make some other person day. Love is the one element needed most in all human living on earth. Without you doing your spiritual lessons for life now, others may also pause in beginning to love. Be a sample, be the earliest in the community to give love, to make others happy. Just small gifts like flowers, a hug, a loving word or a piece of self made cake or Christmas cookies. Something from your heart to touch others hearts and to open up a human relationship of passion between you and the globe around you.

by: Hans Neukomm

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