subject: The Best Psoriasis Scalp Treatment: Natural Vs Otc Products [print this page] Psoriasis of the scalp or scalp psoriasis is a type of skin disorder characterized by the flaking of the scalp.Psoriasis is an unpleasant condition to bear because of the severe itch that comes with it. While there are several over-the-counter (OTC) psoriasis scalp treatment medications available in the market today,you can also find natural remedies from your own home.
But which one is the best psoriasis scalp treatment? Each type of treatment, OTC or homemade has its own pros and cons. Lets probe into these two types of psoriasis scalp treatment products.
OTC Products as Psoriasis Scalp Treatment
A lot of OTC products for scalp psoriasis are available in the market today. With only a doctors prescription, you can easily get the treatment you need. However, OTC products are not as natural as homemade treatments and therefore may carry side effects or complications.
Here are 5 of the most popular psoriasis scalp treatment OTC products:
1. Hydrocortisone Cream
A very effective treatment not only for psoriasis but for other skin ailments. It is especially effective when used after the skin has just been washed. To be used 1-4 times a day, excessive use must be avoided because it can thin the skin layer.
2. Menthol Spray
With soothing and anesthetic properties, menthol is not only a great treatment against psoriasis but for other skin diseases as well.
3. Salicylic Acid
This OTC treatment is also a good treatment for acne and warts. The 2% salicylic acid concentration in shampoos and soaps help relieve scalp psoriasis by removing flakes.
4. Coal Tar
This medication may stink but it is very effective. It comes in various OTC forms like shampoos and ointments. It slows down the skin cells from overgrowing and reduces inflammation and itch.
5. Moisturizers
Moisturizers like lotions, creams, and ointments help hydrate the affected area of the skin so it becomes less vulnerable to possible lesions.
Homemade, Natural Scalp Psoriasis Treatments
Homemade treatments for scalp psoriasis may not be as potent as OTC products; one natural treatment that greatly helps one person may not be effective to another. However, because it is natural there are no side effects and the result is longer lasting. Plus these natural psoriasis scalp treatment products are easily found at home. Here are some of the popular choices:
1. Vinegar Rinse
An excellent psoriasis scalp treatment is apple cider vinegar that is both antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Gently massage scalp with a mixture of equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar.
2. Water Therapy
A combination of sea salts and water is another powerful therapeutic treatment for psoriasis on the scalp. Many dermatologists recommend Dead Sea Salts for most skin conditions.
3. Essential oils are also effective for this skin condition. Massage on your scalp a mixture of a cup Essential Oils of olive oil, 1 drop of oregano oil, and 2 drops of calendula oil.
4. Sunlight
Sunshine is also a good psoriasis scalp treatment. You can expose the affected area to sunlight but always protect unaffected areas of your skin with sunscreen.
5. The Best, Natural Psoriasis Scalp Treatment If youre looking for the best treatment that offers natural and permanent treatment, then read more about an astounding technique at
by: lsullivan
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