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Treatments To Keep Your Smile Beautiful

With improvements in technology in every industry across the board, from computers to entertainment to medical, you know that there are improvements made to the dental industry as well. Procedures have been made less painful, faster, and longer lasting for a patient. For those who don't need a lot of dental work, do the improvements matter? Sure they do, because a large part of the improvements that happen in the cleaning aspect of a dental visit are what keeps your smile healthy and white.

Beautiful Smiles Matter for Adults

Think about why your smile matters. It is the first way you will greet a person. Their first impression will last forever, so you want to make sure it is a great one. Whether you are meeting at a social function, a business meeting, or even at a job interview, having a great smile will make you memorable in a positive light.

There are a few options for improving your smile. Some of them are fast and fairly inexpensive while others are more involved. The dentist has the ability to perform tooth whitening in a number of ways, from light treatments to whitening pastes. Depending on what color your teeth are and what color you want to get them to be will determine how many visits you need to make.

Another option for improving your smile is to have a set of veneers put on. These are like caps to your teeth, but they are permanent. They will be the color you want your smile to be, and they will be even and smooth. The caps are made to fit over your teeth and work with your current bite. Once they are fitted, they are adhered to your teeth so they are permanent. They still need to be cared for like teeth and brushed daily.

Options for Children's Teeth

Children can often be hard on teeth. From accidents that knock teeth out to playing sports that chip one, they may need a lot of work done on their teeth to have a nice smile. One of those options is to place a cap over a tooth. A cap will attach to what is left of the tooth so it appears to be whole. It can also even out a bite or chew pattern. Caps can hide chips or partial teeth that are missing because of an injury or accident. Often, the cap will provide the child with restored confidence in their smile.

To keep teeth strong and healthy, a dentist can also perform a fluoride treatment. This treatment can be done in a few different ways, but it involves putting a fluoride paste over the exterior of the teeth. It is left on for a few minutes, and then rinsed off. This is said to make the teeth stronger and able to fight off cavities in an easier manner. Some dentists include fluoride treatments as part of their regular cleaning as preventative measures. Check with your dentist to see if this option is available for your children.

by: Rachel Nolander

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