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subject: PEARLS – COLD BEAUTY [print this page]

Natural Pearls are extremely rareNatural Pearls are extremely rare. Pearls found in the wild i.e in the sea are much more valuable than ones found in freshwater. Pearls are also cultivated artificially for use in jewelry. Pearls are also sometimes used in sarees and expensive clothing.

Pearls need to have certain characteristics to be qualified as a gemstone. Pearls,although not expensive like other gems has beauty equivalent to any of them. There are colored gems too. Pearls are cultivated in blue, purple, yellow, brown, black and pink. Pearls come in eight different shapes, they are button, round, semi-round, drop, baroque, circled, oval and pear.

It is easy to identify real pearls from fakes. Some tricks are

Original pearls are rough so scraping the pearl surface with your teeth and checking for irregularities is a wonderful option.

Rub two pearls if you feel friction, the pearl is real.

Real pearls reflect sunlight well and exhibit a property called Iridescence which means the surface of the pearl changes colours when it is moved.

Even cultivated pearls take six years to be fully mature.

Pearl jewelry was and still remains to be the top choice of most socialites, because of it's beauty and simplicity. Pearls are not new to us, they have been around for a very long time. Some references date as far back as 4200 B.C. The "Queen of Gems" has been a symbol attracts attention that cannot be defined by mere pearl value associations.

Besides pearls are easy to maintain and as lucrative as other gems. They are also much affordable compared to other gems and have an air of simplicity. Matching your pearl set with your office clothes or your anarkali or casual wear would enhance your accessory collection so much more.

Pearls are used in ear studs, ear hangings, malas and chokers.


By: Mark Cijo Jn

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