subject: Landing Your Dream Job: Marketing Yourself [print this page] When you are on the hunt for a job, you are essentially marketing yourself to potential employers. So, set yourself up with the tools to do it successfully. Your personal marketing materials, in addition to a flawless resume, are things like: personal business cards, good looking clothing, a positive attitude and a great pitch. These are all essential elements to set yourself apart and get a really good job.
Business Cards
Dont leave home without business cards. Jotting down your number on the back of a cocktail napkin may work on a date, but it definitely doesnt cut it in the job world. You dont need to have a current job to have business cards, and you dont need a graphic design degree. All you need is contact information for how someone can get in touch with you. You can easily make your own cards using your home computer and pre-cut cards purchased from an office supply store, or order them from inexpensive websites like Vistaprint.
You never know when an opportunity will come up to network with a potential contact even that guy sitting next to you on the plane may hold the key to your dream job. Having a business card readily available to hand out not only shows youre professional, but also helps you make a good first impression (Wow, this person has got it together).
Dress for Success
How you present yourself is a major factor when job hunting. So, youll want to dress for success. It only takes a few seconds for someone to look at you and make a snap judgment. Meaning, your first impression will probably be made somewhere between Hello and My name is.
A fresh, crisp appearance helps you land a better job and, believe it or not, a better salary. For a more traditional company or for a higher level position (manager or above), lean more toward the formal side with a suit. If youre considering a more creative field, go ahead and show a bit more individuality and flair. When in doubt, definitely go a more conservative route. You cant go wrong with neutral colors, such as gray, navy and black.
For men and women, be sure to stay away from too short, too tight, and too flashybut that doesnt have to mean boring, either. Any outfit that is well tailored will help you look put together and instill confidence in your interviewer that regardless of any other characteristics, you probably have good judgment. Lastly, be sure to pay attention to details. Scuffed or muddy shoes or a stained shirt are big no-nos.
Of course, the perfect accessory to any outfit is a smile. Ever notice that the people on TV always smile? Theres a reason for it. Smiles are friendly and make the people who are watching it (in your case, potential employers) more receptive to your message.
30 Second Pitch
Whether you meet a potential contact at a networking event (during a job hunt, almost ANY event is a networking opportunity), a recruiter at a job fair, or youre talking to a potential employer on the phone, you have about 30 seconds to sell yourself. If you cant, they move on.
This little pitch says a lot about you because youre giving a nutshell version of who you are and what you offer. The goal is to develop a style and substance that will pique their interest enough to spark further conversation. Think of this as a TV or radio commercial, only YOU are the product! What makes you remember a great commercial? Its under 30 seconds, its snappy, and its designed to get you to remember the product name. So no matter how good or interesting you think you arekeep it to 30 seconds.
Avoid using negative language. For example, never say things like, Ive only been out of school for three years, so my experience is pretty limited. Instead you could try, I graduated three years ago and in that time Ive become tenacious about finding the right career fit.
Once youve got an idea of what you want to say, record and play back your pitch to make sure you like how it sounds. Or practice in front of a mirror or video camera. Chin up, bright smile, shoulders backyour body language says just as much about you as the words coming out of your mouth!
One final thought on those initial moments of meeting someone: not only should you position yourself as someone whos interesting, but you also want to come across as interested specifically in them. Asking questions and listening to what they have to say helps in forming a positive first impression. That is why its often said that we have one mouth and two ears. So find the right balance between talking and listening.
Ready to Go?
So, now youve got some basic pieces in place to market yourself to potential employers. The next step is to land an interview for your dream job. Join the millions working in the entertainment industry and find your dream job by searching exclusive opportunities on today!
by: Jason Armetta
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