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subject: Investing In Accessible Vans [print this page]

Investing in a wheelchair accessible van is a huge decision. When you are making the choice to spend that much money, you need to make sure that you are making the right purchase and doing it in the right way. The first step to responsible investing is making sure that you are investing in the right thing. When looking at accessible vans, the way for you to do this is to educate yourself in the variety of wheelchair accessible vans available for purchase on the market. When you do this, you be able to limit your selection to the vans that are right for you and you will not have to worry about regretting your choice.

There are many ways that you can approach looking for wheelchair vans. You can start by thinking about the type of van that you want to purchase. Just like when you purchase any other vehicle, you want to make sure that you are comfortable with the vehicle that you are purchasing. Many people are not comfortable with full-sized vans simply because they are so large and hard to maneuver. If you are more comfortable with a smaller vehicle, then you should choose to purchase a minivan instead.

Accessible minivans are just as common as full-sized accessible vans. However, there are a few differences. Not all minivans can equip the same technology as full-sized vans. This means that you might have to look at a smaller selection of automatic lifts. You should also keep in mind that when you purchase a smaller van, you will have to access your vehicle in a different way. Most smaller accessible vans have their lifts installed in the back, granting rear access for passengers in wheelchairs. However, the fact that you will be accessing your van through the rear will ultimately make little to no difference in the ease of the transition from the ground to the vehicle.

Another element that you should think of when you are looking at accessible vans is whether or not you want to purchase a van that has car hand controls. Car hand controls are a wonderful piece of technology for every adult in a wheelchair. If you are of legal driving age, you will be able to drive your own vehicle by operating the gas and the brake with your hands instead of your feet. With this technology, you can finally take charge of your transportation.

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