subject: How To Refinance Auto Loans [print this page] When you purchase a new or used vehicle, you may obtain an auto loan. However, if you are unhappy with your interest rate or you would like a longer loan term, you can sometimes refinance your auto loan with another lender to lower your monthly payment.
In some cases, you can also use an auto refinance to reduce the length of your loan. In order to refinance your auto loan, the unpaid balance on your loan must typically exceed $8,000 or the lender will not agree to complete the transaction. You must also know your cars vehicle registration number.
If you decide to refinance your auto loan, you should usually do it as soon as you can. The majority of auto loans require you to pay most of the interest before your payments go toward the principal, so it is not financially beneficial to refinance a loan that is nearly paid off.
The first step to obtaining a refinance is to locate several different lenders in your area. In most cases, the lender of the original auto loan will not want to refinance it, so you will need to find a different lender. Just as you did when you obtained your original loan, you should always shop around for the best interest rates.
Next, you must get an appraisal of the value of your car. The majority of lenders are not willing to refinance your vehicle for more than its current appraised value. If your cars value has decreased dramatically since you obtained the initial loan, you may have trouble with the refinance process.
Most refinance lenders will require information about your income and credit score. If there have been significant changes to either one since you obtain your original loan, the lender may not want to approve the refinance.
If you are interested in learning more about obtaining an auto loan, CreditNowUSA can help you get the information you need. Visit to learn more about auto loans in general, or use the online application to see if you qualify for a new loan.
For more information, go to Auto Loans at
by: Money Lender
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