subject: Simple Step To Make Money Online Instantly [print this page] If you are struggling to make money online, I have here some simple step that might able to help alleviate your online earning.
Choose Niche with Low Competition : Choosing an ideal niche are critical when starting an internet marketing business, there are a lots of profitable product that are available for affiliate marketer with very stiff competition, It is impossible for us to compete because a lots of already establish their status on said niches, example slimming products is highly saleable but there are probably 100 of millions of web pages that compete for slimming product. Choose a product with low competing pages with at least 4,000 monthly searches. Use google keyword tool to gather needed data.
Blog : Create a blog, there are a lots of different blog platform that offer free service, blogging is not as complicated as static website, with blogging you dont have to learn complicated HTML code to create a website, but if you prefer website there is a free HTML editor that are available in the web for free, kompozer is one of them. When preferring blog instead, search for decent and nice looking template that will fit with your chosen niche.
Optimize Your Webpage : SEO is a complicated traffic generating technique especially if you are just starting, it is the method of creating a search engine friendly website or blog. There are 2 process involved in the process that needs a thorough research.
A.)Onsite Optimization : It is the method of optimization inside your website pages, it includes using main keyword and alternate keyword on the entire body of the post. 2%-3% is the ideal density of main keyword in post body but you could also use other relevant keywords to increase your organic traffic. Do include your keyword on Title or sub-title for maximum result.
B.)Offsite Optimization : It is simply a method of optimization outside website pages. It is done through link building technique, Link building is usually acquire though article maketing, forum marketing, blog commenting, bookmarking, and a lots more. Learn to implement anchor text technique when posting a link. Choose do follow website when posting for better ranking.
Submit URL to Search Engine Directories : Each of web pages that are available in the web is comparable from a million of books on a library, the books is the web pages while the library is search engine. Submitting is comparable with offering your web pages as one of their resource books on their library, the term is known as indexing. Website is also index by search engine through proper back linking.
Create and Submit Sitemap : Site map is important component of a highly and properly optimized, site map increase you website crawlability to search engine.
by: Anjo Bacani
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