subject: Financial Calculators: The Abacus Of Today [print this page] In ancient times, great mathematicians, as well as simple folk, used stones or wooden beads within a structure that formed what they called an abacus. Abaci are used to calculate even complex mathematical equations. Evidence of this financial tool has been found in various forms and locations from ancient Greece to China and Japan.
It has been used to keep records of their purchases, trades, and sales. This method proved to be sufficient for their needs. The abacus laid the foundation on which current calculating devices were built. Imagine having to use this abacus in present day society!
The complexity of todays ever changing economic state demands not only sufficiency, but efficiency, promptness, and accuracy. However, this tool is, indeed, still being used by some. Perhaps used by elderly shop keepers in Japan who, by force of habit, do all their calculating with this strange and wondrous device known as the abacus. Although this might be a comfortable and reliable method for the shop keepers, the art of using such a device is lost to the western world. Visit this page to look into the modern way of doing things.
These days, all calculations can be performed with a few buttons. In schools, in homes, and in businesses, the calculator is always within reach. In fact, with todays technology, even our mobile phones can be transformed into calculating devices. Using a calculator is as natural as using a tooth brush. In restaurants, we calculate tips or calculate our bills into portions.
We use them to budget our personal finances and use a free financial calculator online to figure those personal costs. Our children use them as they traverse the educational system. Electronic calculators come in many forms and perform many functions from simple to complex. Financial calculators in particular have numerous options to choose from, whether it is personal, small business or corporate finances, there is a free financial calculator that will suit any financial need.
For those of us who depend on investments for their future or even those who find investing a challenging venture, investment calculators will prove to be an important asset. These calculators can calculate compound interest, lump sum future values and even help set financial goals. Investments fluctuate and need to be managed with great care and veracity. With this need, the right tools must be available for successful results. Along with proper budgeting and savings, a good is an invaluable tool towards any and all financial goals.
Online calculators are what is most commonly used today. You can get a financial calculator for every monetary need you could think of. Click this page to get a full listing of available calculators and descriptions about what they do. Managing our finances can be complicated. The evidence of poor financial planning can be seen in nearly every aspect of our lives, from personal to governmental to universal.
The precarious nature of finances today motivates proactive accounting for our monetary affairs. With financial ambiguity looming, individuals are now starting to open their eyes to their future and their familys well-being. They are investing and reinvesting and shuffling funds to assure the most beneficial outcomes. With such complex transactions, a good will not only handle these often complicated financial activities, but will create a sense of security that one is in charge of ones own destiny.
by: Shaly Criston
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