subject: When Dental Emergencies Occur Do You Know What To Do? [print this page] With beautiful weather people tend to flock to beaches and parks to make the most of their days. However, around every corner lurks the opportunity for a dental emergency to occur. To enjoy your day and avoid an emergency trip to the dentist it is important to take extra precautions in protecting your teeth. When the inevitable happens, it is also vital to understand what to do when a dental emergency does occur. From a cracked tooth to a tooth that is knocked out, be prepared for anything.
When to Visit Your Dentist
Today, dentists have many options available for dealing with dental emergencies. If you are not sure if a dental problem is an emergency, your dentist in Lauderhill, FL offers this advice: if it hurts, it is an emergency. Injuries that seem so small can significantly affect the living tissues inside the teeth, which mean it is important to seek dental attention immediately. When an injury occurs, quick treatment improves the odds of saving injured or damaged teeth.
Any obvious damage to a tooth should be treated as soon as possible. Chips or fractures can affect the living tissue inside the tooth, causing more problems in the future. Your dentist can prevent the damage from getting worse if you visit them immediately. If you see your dentist right away, there is a good chance he or she will be able to repair the damage more easily.
How Your Dentist Treats Emergencies
If you chipped your tooth, but there is no pain and the chip is small, it is up to you to decide if, when and how the tooth should be repaired. Depending on the size of the chip, it can be smoothed or cosmetically corrected. Other options include veneers, crowns and fillings. Additionally, if a filling or artificial tooth becomes chipped, it should be replaced as soon as possible. Ask your dentist in Lauderhill to explain these options.
Cracked and broken teeth should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Root canal therapy or tooth extraction may be necessary if it is not repairable with a crown or veneer. Keep in mind that cracks are not always visible, even on x-rays. Symptoms may involve pain while chewing and sensitivity to cold, or even hot, foods and drinks, as well as air, which may over time become more pronounced.
Protect Your Mouth while Participating in Sports
In older children and adults, sports injuries are common. Dentists estimate that between 13% and 39% of dental injuries occur while playing sports. Even if a tooth has been knocked out, it often can be saved if you get to your Lauderhill dentist quickly enough. If you enjoy sports or other high-risk activities, protect yourself. The use of mouth guards among football and hockey players, for example, is believed to prevent about 200,000 mouth injuries a year.
Wearing a mouth guard is one of the best ways you can prevent injury to your teeth, tongue and lips. A custom-fit mouth guard from your dentist is recommended as it fits your teeth better than a ready-made one. Custom mouth guards offer the best protection for your mouth.
Talk to your Lauderhill dentist for more information on how to handle a dental emergency, as well as the best way to contact him if one does occur. With proper preventative measures and knowing what to do in the event of a dental emergency can help save your tooth.
by: Gen Wright
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