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 Stop Dog Chewing: Learn How To Have A Well-trained Dog

There are many reasons why dogs get trainedThere are many reasons why dogs get trained. Trained dogs can be useful both as companions and to accomplish work. Dogs are generally known to want to please their owner. This can make this them a great pet to have. This article will give you some ideas on how to make training your dog to stop dog chewing easier for you and your pooch.

It is vitally important that your dog is treated in the same manner, given the same commands and rewarded similarly by every member of your family. This is the only way to ensure the training to stop dog chewing sticks. Consistency is the best training method for a dog. If more than one person is trying to train your dog, he may become confused about how to act.

A great way to train your dog to stop chewing items when you're away from home is to catch them in the act. When you see your dog picking up an item, ready to take a bite, slowly take the item away from them and firmly, but in a gentle way tell them "no".

If there are triggers for your dog's bad behavior, while you pass temptation, keep him busy. If your dog has trouble around other dogs, consider keeping him occupied whenever the two of you pass another dog whenever you are on your walks together. This will help him correlate the relationship between that stimuli and the positive things that come from it.
 Stop Dog Chewing: Learn How To Have A Well-trained Dog

Everyone in the family should use the exact same commands when training your dog. It's confusing to the dog when one person uses the phrase "get off" and someone else says "down boy" to mean the same thing. If all family members are consistent in using the same commands, you will have more success in training your dog.

Keep your dog up to date with dog training, in order to keep him or her compliant with an established set of rules. People think that just because their dog has been trained once, that is all they need. You can encourage your dog to adopt good habits. This is why on-going training to stop dog chewing is important.

Make sure you dog proof your home to reduce chewing or destructive behavior while you are away. Young dogs or bored dogs may chew when left alone just to have something to do. Take the time to close interior doors and put away items dogs like to chew before you leave to limit the opportunities for chewing while you are gone.

You do not want to use wee-wee pads when potty training your dog. These "wee-wee" pads can leak pet urine and feces, which can cause the puppy to mistake the area for a permanent toilet. The pads may also confuse the dog because of their shape. It could cause the dog to think that a bathroom mat or welcome mat is a place to go potty. Always teach your pet that he must go outside to use the bathroom.

Make an appointment with your vet to make sure there aren't health problems that are causing behavior issues. Some medical problems can cause pain or behaviors that cause them to act in ways that they wouldn't normally do. Remember that your dog cannot express clearly what the problem is: you will have to pay attention to your pet.

Associate a word with an action and stick to it. Your dog will relate the word with the behavior. It is very important to be consistent. By enforcing this, your training sessions to stop dog chewing are likely to be very effective.

Try taking obedience classes to make your dog become more obedient. The instructor can give you ideas about how to handle problems like not listening, and excessive barking.

Get your dog to stop chewing undesirable objects by offering him interesting alternatives. There is an endless variety of chew toys available at any pet store or department store. Get a basket and put "his" toys inside and keep it full of fun playthings. Hopefully, he will learn to prefer his own toys to yours!

You want to make sure that you provide your dog a sense of security. When a dog is insecure about their safety, they could lash out with bad behavior. To help both you and your dog, always make sure your dog feels safe.
 Stop Dog Chewing: Learn How To Have A Well-trained Dog

Watch what sort of activities you are encouraging your dog to do. Sometimes we may perform actions with our dog without realizing that we are training them to do something we dislike. If every time your dog chews something up you send him outside, you are teaching him that chewing something up is the key to getting outdoor time. Be careful with the actions you take, especially ones that tend to be consistent practices.

Make use of a crate when training your dog. For crate training to be effective, you must make sure to let the dog out frequently. Once properly trained, a dog that has been crate trained is less like to have an accident.

As previously stated, dogs are trained for many reasons. Dogs are very well known for how much they wish to please those around them, which makes having one trained in that manner a good dog to be around. This article, hopefully, has helped you with some ideas that can make it less of a hassle to train your pet to stop dog chewing.

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