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subject: Info On History Of Hair Straightening Irons [print this page]

Hair styling is a trend that has been going on ever since females knew the art of dressing up and setting themselves up for their husbands or friends. This trend increased through the ages, and gradually modified itself, as the technology based products introduced themselves into the market and new techniques arrived in the fashion industry.

Before the styling of any hair, in older times girls used various tactics and products with which they would prepare their hair for styling by straightening them or curling them. This gave a neat look to one's hair and made them smooth or at least with a proper form and look. From those times only, these trends began which are parts of every girl nowadays.

The history of hair straightening involved the times when hair straightening actually began and then rose to popularity gradually. The hair was always a means of creating various styles and designs. In the earlier times before any tools were made, hair were straightened using hot plates that were heated over the stove and later stuck to the hair. These plates were made up of metal and brass at times.

Simon Monroe originally introduced a hair straightener in 1906 that comprised 7 metallic teeth that are combed through the hair. she laid the basis of the hair straightening in a more organized and professional manner. This made hair straightening much easier and this trend began to spread gradually to. With the increasing times the trend flourished and people became aware of the technique.

Now with the invention of a metallic and easy to use hair straightener, the rise in the trend instigated many companies to make and manufacture these straighteners in various materials and designs. China and Japan have flourished a great deal in electronics and they introduced the metal plated and the ceramic hair straighteners in the market. These are very easy to use. Now the temperature control upon the hair straighteners is also given which makes it easy to adjust the heat according to the texture of one's hair and the desired results. Therefore, this is a very convenient way of styling hair now.

Info On History Of Hair Straightening Irons

By: Chris Paul

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