subject: Get Lots of Business Via The Web Even Without A Website [print this page] Get Lots of Business Via The Web Even Without A Website
You don't really need a website to get your phone ringing off the hook with customer enquiries. This may sound really amazing but it is also very true.
But before I let you into the simple secret it is important to appreciate the fact that maintaining a website has proved to be a major headache and stumbling block for many entrepreneurs. Hardly surprising because designing your website and getting a domain name is just the beginning of a lot of hard work that you will have to put in if your website will get the required visibility and receive significant targeted traffic to yield the hot leads you seek for your business.
This is one of the main reasons why going for web pages that can be found through popular search engines like Google is such an attractive alternative to many businesses.
The reality of the World Wide Web today is that people use popular search engines like Google to find what they are looking for. This includes services and products that they may desperately be seeking. So if we cut ourselves down to the basics all you need is a page with some basic information that can be found from Google by those who seek what it is you have to offer.
One of the things that is highly attractive about the strategy of relying on web pages is the speed with which this strategy works. Within hours your prospects will be looking at pages with information on your business. The truth is that optimizing a site for search engines is an exercise that takes a lot of time and resources before one can begin to see any results. However when you use a page on other people's sites, most of the hard work on the website has already been done and therefore in most cases only minimal optimization will be required to start generating plenty of traffic to the page with information on your business.
It is important to note that even if you already have a website the idea of using web pages to generate traffic can still work for you because all you need to is ensure that links pointing back to your site are included in the web pages that you set up.
Get Lots of Business Via The Web Even Without A Website
By: Chris Kavila
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