subject: Meditating To Grow Your Home Business Quickly - 4 Tips [print this page] Meditating helps you observe your thoughts and feelings, an absolutely critical act for home business entrepreneurs. Holding limiting beliefs blocks success.
If you are programmed to fail, you fail. If you become aware of your low energy thoughts and feelings, you can face, embrace and release these emotions.
Meditating means letting go. Allowing your thoughts and feelings to peter themselves out, until your mind is still.
Other benefits of meditation include improved health, peace of mind, and a more prospering mindset to boot. Meditating frequently helps you to identify your blocks. Limiting beliefs like, "I am too old to make money online", or "I am not creative enough to write articles to market my opportunity", low energy thoughts which kill your prospects of becoming successful.
With frequent meditation your home business grows fast. You dissolve blocks to success - your defeating limiting beliefs - and replace with high energy, empowering beliefs. You author an authority blog. You write killer cash gifting articles. You call prospects, connecting over the phone. You attract high energy leaders to your team, and money, fast, because you finally became aware of the low energies within stopping these things from happening.
Meditating and Your Home Business
1 - Find a Quiet Spot
Find a quiet spot. Sitting in silence helps you observe your thoughts and feelings. As your meditations strengthen it becomes easier to bring stillness, and a quiet state of mind, with you, wherever you go. Draw the blinds to reduce light. A darker environment is easier on the senses.
2 - Still Your Body
Work from head to toe, telling yourself, "My head is relaxed, my neck is relaxed, etc....", until your entire body is relaxed. Your body is your meditative vehicle, your temple, your shrine. Still your body, and the mind follows.
3 - Follow Your Breathing
Anchor your attention on your breathing. Follow the in breath and out breath. Become aware of the feeling of your breath, moving in and out. If your attention shifts to something other than your breath - thoughts, feelings, sensations in your body, imagining, remembering - move your focus gently but firmly back to your breath. This is the beginning of a quiet mind.
4 - Sit for 10 Minutes
For starters, sit for 10 minutes. Add 5 minutes each week, until you reach 30 minutes a day. Feel free to meditate up to an hour or more daily. There really is no limit. Meditating after you wake up is advisable. Few are immune from Racing Thought Syndrome upon waking. Meditation helps quiet your mind, slowing down your thoughts and allowing your emotions to rise and fall, without interference or resistance on your part.
Meditating to Grow Your Home Business Fast - Summary
Find a quiet spot. A quiet, dark environment makes it easier to go within. Still your body. Still your meditation temple, making it easier to still your
mind. Follow your breathing to practice observing your thoughts. Bring your attention gently but firmly back to your breathing, if it fades. Sit for 10 minutes daily. Work up to 30 minutes per day to grow your home business quickly.
by: Ryan Biddulph
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