subject: Top 4 Reasons To Take A Defensive Driving Online Texas Course [print this page] When most people hear the words "defensive driving course," it doesn't bring to mind images of a good time. You may think about a dull class taught by a dull instructor in a hot room on a Saturday morning. People are conditioned to believe that defensive driving classes are boring and bad, because usually they take these classes only to get out of more serious consequences of a traffic ticket. The reality, however, is that a defensive driving online Texas course can be both interesting and useful.
There are also lots of good reasons to take a defensive driving online Texas course besides just taking one to avoid getting points on your license after you have received a moving violation. Here are just four of them.
1) A defensive driving online Texas course can be interesting
Online courses make use of multimedia features and video to present information in an engaging and exciting way. The videos explain the important concepts in an easy-to-understand manner that is not boring to watch at all and there are participatory exercises to keep your interest and quizzes to test your comprehension.
2) A defensive driving online Texas course can be taken at your own pace and on your own time.
A part of the reason many people do not like defensive driving classes is that they are often held at inconvenient times. Since people have to work during the week, the local classes are normally taught on the weekends and they normally begin early in the morning. This means getting up on your day off and taking time away from your family on one of the two days a week when you don't have to go to work.
A Texas defensive driving online course allows you to avoid these unpleasant aspects of a defensive driving class since you can take the course from wherever you have internet access, whenever you are ready to do so.
3) A defensive driving online Texas course can make you a better driver
The point of a defensive driving class isn't just to avoid having your license and insurance affected by a traffic ticket, although many people believe that's the whole purpose of the class. The actual purpose is to make you a better driver by teaching you techniques that you can use when you are out on the road.
Auto crashes claim many lives each year and cause countless injuries to people who are involved in them. If you can learn defensive driving skills that may some day help you to avoid a crash, then taking a defensive driving class can literally save your life.
4) A defensive driving online Texas course may be able to help you lower your insurance rates
Some insurance companies offer a discount if you can demonstrate that you have completed a defensive driving class.
Of course, you will also help to keep your insurance rates low by avoiding points on your driving record after a moving violation. This is one of the biggest benefits of a defensive driving class- but it is simply not the only one.
by: Troy Caesar
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