subject: I Have A Hard Time Approaching Women - 4 Tips To Learn To Approach Effortlessly [print this page] If you have a hard time approaching women, then I bet that you know what I mean when I say that you get jealous seeing those guys that don't even seem to think twice about walking up to a woman that they are attracted to. Even if it seems like they have no chance at all, just the fact that they seem to have the moxie to make the approach like that, it makes you wish that you could do the same thing. And why not? You have quite a bit to offer a woman, if she only got to know you. However, not being able to make the approach certainly makes it hard for a woman to ever get to know you, right?
I can't say that you are going to be able to see changes literally over night. That probably will not happen. However, you can see some small changes happen in you right away and over time, you can eventually become that kind of guy that can make an approach seem effortless. What you have to first do is understand why it is that you have a hard time making the approach.
Here are 4 tips that I think should help make the approach seem a little easier and maybe even effortless after awhile:
1) Think of it as being a case of mind over matter.
The mind can delude you into thinking that the first woman you approach is going to totally spazz out on you or something and that alone can be more than enough to make you feel like you don't even want to take the risk of that happening. Or, you might think that if you do make the approach, you are going to find out that she has someone already or something like that. Don't let your mind hold you back from doing what you want to do. Conquer it and make the approach and then see what happens.
2) Walk up to a woman with the only thing you are after is a conversation.
When you are first starting out with trying to get a handle on approaching a woman, it might be better for you to just try and get conversations started with women instead of trying to end up with a date. In time, that will come, but for now, what you really should do is just get used to walking up to a woman and finding some way to get a woman talking to you. When you can do that, a lot of the other things will fall into place for you.
3) Approach more than one woman so that you don't get stuck on just one.
A good rule of thumb to follow when you go out to a club or a party where there are plenty of women to choose from, is to approach more than one so that you don't get caught up with trying to make things work out with the first one that you walk on over to. Even if the first one that you approach happens to be the one that you want to attract, you should still try to approach more women just so that you don't end up with one option only.
4) Bring a female friend to tag along with you.
This is a neat little trick that can help you out. Bring a female friend with you when you go out and have her near you when you make the approach. For some reason, it doesn't seem that bad to get shot down when you can walk back to another woman. And you never know what insights your female friend can give you if she sees you doing something wrong.
by: Chris Tyler
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