subject: Cash Advances Payday Loans : Money Available Within Hours [print this page] Cash advances payday loans are known by many other names like fast cash payday loans, quick approval loans and so on. These short term loans come to your rescue when you are in desperate need of cash to pay off some unexpected bill. You want the cash so fast that you cannot wait for a week or so for the loan to be approved and sanctioned, hence fast cash loans are a real blessing as the loan is approved and the money is also deposited in your account all on the same day or within 24 hours.
Cash advance payday loans are as similar as other payday loans, however there are certain criteria that needs to be adhered to obtain such a loan. The consumer should be minimum 18 years old with a regular job in hand. He should be earning a minimum salary of $1,000 and have a bank account in his name. Payday advance loans are advanced for a short duration that is normally until your next pay check arrives.
You can borrow a minimum amount of $80 up to a maximum of $1,500. This amount is required to be paid back with interest on the following payday. If you have a doubt that you would not be able to pay the amount on the due date, you need to inform the lender about the same. The repayment time or date is then extended for a further period at a higher interest. Thus, this is a very lucrative business for the money lenders. In order not to fall into this trap, you have to take a loan only for the minimum amount required and make provisions to repay it on time.
Cash advances payday loans are available also to people who have a bad creditstanding. If such a person applies for a loan and it is granted, he should be quick on the uptake and reimburse the entire amount on the due date. This action will immediately obtain him a good credit score.
Cash Advances Payday Loans : Money Available Within Hours
By: emma
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