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subject: Less Investment Maximum Returns By Investing In Avs Jasmine Villa [print this page]

Less Investment Maximum Returns By Investing In Avs Jasmine Villa

Tree line avenues
Tree line avenues

Asphalted road

Landscape park

Childrens park area

Water connection with overhead tank

Electricity with streetlights

All round security

situated on Bagalur town, delivers quality and luxury homes.

Jasmine valley well furnished with landscape gardens and diverse amenities connects the International airport road and close by SEZ and IT parks with enormous facilities around the housing project.

Jasmine Valley is a high quality gated community, is located close to proposed IT Park on Hosur-Bagalur main raod with access from Sarjapur.

Special Economic Zoo(SEZ)'s , IT Parks, Floriculture park, the international airport, upcoming in Hosur has made it grow at an extraordinary pace and certainly became the most potential residential destination.

It Park in the Hosur-Bagalur road has soared the monetary value of the locality to new heights

Jasmine Valley being the only residential layout close to Elcot IT Park, situauted in Bagalur Road and with in the town limits of Hosur. Its near Hosur Bus Stand and 20-25min drive from electronic city.

Avs JasmineValley situated on Sarjapur Baglur of Hosur town,

delivers quality and luxury homes. AVS Developers rapidly growing sector

for new home builders, we are proud to develop new homes for our esteemed

customers, unique in style, high quality of home designs to lasting for

lifetime. Avs Jasmine Valley well furnished with landscape gardens and

diverse amenities connects the International airport road and close by SEZ

and IT parks with enormous facilities around the housing project.

Recently large group of buyers show interest on investing on real estate

in the locale of Hosur owing to rapid growth of several projects and IT

parks upcoming in the region. The refreshing AVS Jasmine Valley has a pool

area, kids play area, sufficient supply of water and electricity, proper

sewage system, widen tar road and many more with fine quality of

construction as you choose you dream home according to you lifestyle. The

layout of AVS Jasmine Valley is designed in such a way with many indoor and

outdoor recreations, avenue plantations, club house with luxury amenities,

community hall with business services and many more.

Interiors at Jasmine Valley homes are well furnished with patio furnitures elegantly selected for home kind according to individual taste and desires.AVS Jasmine valley projects are designed with most economic tariffs to the global standards tempting investors and buyers of different category.

by: Real Estate

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