subject: Children After Divorce [print this page] According to a recent survey, more and more people are becoming workaholic and this is not because that they are interested to work but because they want to earn more. When the time we spend with our family is less, the relations too will get weak. This is regarded as one of the major reasons for the increased rate of divorce petitions filed before various courts in the country. It is not limited to a particular country or a region, even the Asian countries which were once famous for healthy and strong family relations are moving in this direction. According to many family lawyers in Leeds, this is a result of the changed lifestyle and the new concept about life.
The most unfortunate thing is the life of children after divorces. Divorce solicitors of Leeds are telling that in many cases they have handled the children were the real sufferers. After getting the divorce both the husband and wife will move in their own directions and the children will left uncared. The people once got divorced, will certainly search for new partners and they will try to build a new life in the company of partners. The few years after the second marriage will be more interesting and the people will be interested to find all happiness in the new relation which they could not enjoy in their past. This will tend them to forget about their children for a while and the children who are bringing up without proper care and love will certainly turn antisocial. This is one of the reasons for the increased rates of crimes too.
As some family lawyers of Leeds told, there is a necessity for a constitution amendment to take care of the children after divorce. It should be put as a responsibility of the parents to take care of their children even after marriage. Otherwise, the increased rates of divorces result in producing more and more criminals and the society will become a dangerous one to live. If the caring of children made mandatory, it may decrease the rate of divorces too. As told by some divorce solicitors of Leeds, this will make the couples to think that the burden of living apart and taking care of the children will be more difficult and most of them may turn back from their efforts to get divorced. Anyway, there is no doubt that the increased rate of divorces is a social menace and should be curbed at any cost.
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by: Steve Mich
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