subject: Thinning Hair Treatment For Women [print this page] Are you constantly feeling frustrated and tired of looking at your bodiless and thinning hair?
Well, you are just one of the million other women in the world who feel the same way about their sparse locks.
Hair thinning is quite a common problem of many modern women. It may be a genetic gift or a product of excessive grooming, among other controllable and uncontrollable factors. Fortunately, there are a lot of techniques to manage this problem. All you have to do is to find a good thinning hair treatment.
Volumizing Shampoos and Conditioners
Youre both lucky and unlucky that there is a great influx of volumizing shampoo or thickening conditioner brands (e.g. Pantene, Nexxus, Leimo and Bumble & Bumble) in the market today. Lucky because you have many options. Unlucky because with the wide range of options, it may be difficult to find the product that may work best for you.
In cases wherein hair thinning is a symptom of hair loss, focus on hair growth product brands that especially address the symptoms of hair loss and promote hair growth (e.g. Leimo, Revivogen). They may be able to assist you with a more appropriate form of treatment.
Vitamin Supplements
The best thinning hair treatment could probably be just in your medicine cabinet. There are certain vitamins and minerals that are essential for the hair and hair cycling. Vitamin H or biotin do not only improve the hair shaft calibre, it is also improves its overall quality, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Vitamins A, C and E also improve the hair shaft thickness and improve scalp condition as well as increase the circulation to the hair follicles for good hair regrowth.
Herbal Thickeners
Either aloe vera gel or onion juice is a good thinning hair treatment. Apply any of the two to your hair and massage your scalp with it to stimulate hair growth and thicken your hair shafts.
If you are using aloe vera, you add the gel to your shampoo or conditioner and apply it every day. With pure aloe vera, leave it on for at least an hour and rinse off.
If you are using onion juice, use it thrice a week only. Let it stand for at least half an hour and rinse it off to take away the smell.
by: Amy Parker
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