subject: Making Our Children Safe [print this page] If only we had the time money, and education to plan for our children before they are born. However children may be born out of love to a couple with no previous preparation for safe-guarding their child.
If we had a choice prior to the arrival of our children we would have stable jobs that do not keep us away from our children any more than absolutely necessary. One parent would be with the child at times. We would live in a neighborhood that is safe and where we know all the families around us. Our children would go to a school where the parents know all the teachers and the administrator takes all safe guards to protect our children while they are there. Our babysitter would be a close family member, and there would be a neighborhood watch or police on our block 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All families would equip their child with a Stun Gun or pepper spray, but thats ridiculous, or is it? Finally there would be no child molesters, kidnappers or any bad people who could harm our children.
Sounds like Utopia, doesnt it? The Reality is that today parents must work and regrettably both may work at the same time. Modern life keeps families moving for various reasons and if your family isnt moving theres a good chance that 50% of your neighbors will. Schools have consolidated resources and children have to travel on buses to the school. Parents may try but seldom have the time to meet all the teachers. School administrators try to have security guards and security equipment, but funds are limited and after all its a school and they need to buy books and supplies. There are never enough police to go around and its very hard to get all the neighbors together and form a neighborhood watch.
I dont know why there are people who want to harm our children. Im not sure if its caused by environment or genetic. However we must face the fact that there are people who want your child and they may do awful things to them. No matter how you look at it you must give the children a way to be protected because you as a parent cannot always be there.
The only answer is we must prepare and equip our children to go out in the world and be able to feel and be safe. We start with child guard devices. This is a personal alarm that is attached to the child and the parent when they are in public places. If the child gets too far from the parent the alarm goes off on the child making people around aware and the parent has an alarm that goes off telling them to go get their child because they have strayed or about to be kidnapped. This type of alarm can be used from infancy. When the children are a little older we can put a GPS locator on their person. This can be attached to clothing or just put in a pocket. Should your child disappear the child can activate an alarm button that will call your cell-phone. Also the parent or police will be able to go on the Internet and locate the GPS transmitter with a software program. There are cell-phones made for kids that have limited usage and will dial up to 10 preset numbers. The child can use this to check-in with the parent or call for help.
When we have to leave the children in the care of others, there are many Nanny Cams or hidden cameras you can buy for your home. You can choose between a recording camera to view later and a hidden camera that will connect to the Internet so you can watch in real-time from your laptop or smart phone. There are very affordable video surveillance systems that have multiple cameras to watch your home and while you are asleep or while you are gone.
As your children become teenagers or college students you might want to equip them with tear gas or mace. These substances caused no permanent damage, but will give your son or daughter time to get away from someone who threatens them. Finally we have Stun Guns that are available today and are safe for a child to carry. These can be obvious and carried in a book bag or purse, or they can be disguised as a cellphone or lipstick. There are smaller stun guns that are very powerful and can be carried in a pocket.
As our young people get older and wiser they sometimes feel a false sense of security, maybe because they have yet to be challenged. Things like window locks, steel grills and door blocking devices can be used by anyone at any age while they sleep. You should look carefully at your house and secure 1st floor or easily accessible 2nd floor windows to prevent entry. Motion activated flood lamps and even dummy surveillance cameras can deter burglars and potential kidnappers. To keep your family safe does not require a lot of money, but no amount of money can bring back a lost child.
by: Doug Harper
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