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subject: Waterproofgate - Why Being Prepared Can Save Your Business - Whatever The Weather! [print this page]

Waterproofgate - Why Being Prepared Can Save Your Business - Whatever The Weather!

Now I'm no golfer but the hype surrounding the Ryder Cup coming to Wales has been impossible to miss for about the last three years. What with the roadworks, the signage, and the local buzz about how much my neighbours can rent out their houses for.... there's not chance I could miss it!

But now the Tournament is finally here the 'unexpected' has happened. It's raining. And not just your average autumnal shower. Torrential rain that has got the course so sodden that play might have to be extended into next week. And to make matters worse the raincoats that the USA team brought with them have failed to keep the golfers dry and officials have been sent to buy some that can stand the British weather!

Well it is Wales I guess, and it's autumn. Is anyone thinking "I could have told you so..."?

I do feel bad for the golfers having to sit it out and also that we aren't able to show off our beautiful part of the world (steelworks and all!). But it's a great lesson in why preparation is actually better in business than planning.

For some years now I've gone against the grain by teaching that detailed planning is sometimes just a paper exercise and meticulous preparation is actually a better strategy. Planning implies that we expect a certain scenario to happen, we walk through it, we detail what we are going to do on certain days, we write down all out detailed calculations and then we go ahead and execute. Simple.

But sometimes it rains. And even if we plan for rain, sometimes our raincoats fail.

If you want to take a strategic approach to your business then go for preparation over planning every time. Be prepared for different scenarios, plan for whatever the metaphorical weather may throw at you.

And if you want some how-to steps then try this for size.

1. Take a look at your big picture vision and chose one goal or target that you are planning for at the moment. This could be a product launch, or some marketing you are doing.

What's your target? What results are you planning for how much income or how many sales are you expecting? Write next to it best case scenario'.

2. Now half this number and write next to it next best scenario'.

3. Now half it again and make this your baseline scenario'. You might be starting to feel a bit jittery at this point. That's OK.

4. Now look at the work that you are doing. What would have to happen to make your baseline scenario viable. Do you need to bring your costs down to still come in with a profit, or at least break even?

5. If you're not able to at least break even here, then think again about whether this is your best choice of action right now in your business.

6. Make sure that you don't lower your expectations at this point you are still aiming for the best case but you are doing so knowing that when the rain hits you know what to do.

7. And finally, buy a good quality raincoat if you plan on coming to Wales.

I'd love to hear your views on planning (or golf!). How do you plan? What works best for you? What challenges do you have with planning? Leave me a comment on my website...

Waterproofgate - Why Being Prepared Can Save Your Business - Whatever The Weather!

By: Cathy Presland

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