subject: How A Buzz Piece Can Supercharge Your Online Business And Draw Customer Leads Like A Magnet [print this page] What's a buzz piece? And why do you need one for your website?
It's pretty simple really. It's an information piece of some kind. Usually a special report about what you do. Or what you sell. Perhaps 5-10 pages long. And it creates "a buzz" about your business. Some people even refer to it as a bait piece.
Did you know that you can create a stampede of new clients by creating the right buzz piece for your business website? In some cases, the right killer buzz piece offered as a free download on your website can double your business!
But whatever form of buzz piece you use, it can attract all the leads you can handle. That's what buzz pieces do. They attract people. And a good one will jump-start your online marketing plans.
They can take the form of:
a "best of" compilation
a special report
a checklist
a how-to guide
an overview of a broader topic
a free chapter of a book
a bundle of articles
a list of tips about what you know or do well
a great ideas guide
a synopsis of survey results
a toolkit ideas and tips
secrets what a client needs to know before making a buying decision
Now of course I'm not saying that you can't take your online business to the next level without a buzz piece. But the investment you make in the right one will almost certainly be the most important business-building tool you add to your online marketing efforts.
Should you offer a newsletter or a buzz piece? Why not both? If you really want to offer your prospective customers a newsletter, go ahead. In fact, they can subscribe to it when they download your buzz piece.
If you look at any successful online business, the odds are that they have a buzz piece. They may not call it that. But that's what it is. Now think about it. Sure that pop-up ... or floating invitation ... may offer an invitation to sign up for a newsletter. But put yourself in your customer's shoes.
What are you more likely to sign up for? A free newsletter ... or ... a free report giving you information that can really help you in your life? Or in your business? Information that maybe you haven't seen before.
Now how come you haven't heard more about buzz pieces? And why will the right one explode your prospect list ... and ultimately ... your sales? Most businesses today understand the value of adding good content to their web presence. But what happens after that? What happens to all of your traffic if you can't even get someone to read your offer?
"Killer" salesmanship is all about creating sensational ads. Ads that supercharge your business. Explode your cash flow. And dramatically improve your company's bottom line. But the success of any sales process is ultimately determined by the trust the potential customer places in the business or person doing the selling.
And a well conceived offer of free information .... a buzz piece ... does an amazing job of developing trust between you and your prospective customers. And it does an equally super job of encouraging an ongoing relationship with them.
For more information about how a buzz piece can dramatically increase your list of leads, go to: Buzz Piece.
How A Buzz Piece Can Supercharge Your Online Business And Draw Customer Leads Like A Magnet
By: Rod Besler
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