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Outsourcing Magento Development

Magento has a support of enthusiastic community of developers who relentlessly work to administer every possible solution and suggestion to improve the performance of the platform. Outsource Magento development project to India to drive in cost effectiveness and resource optimization. India is home to numerous talented Magento developers with requisite skills and experience to handle the most complex projects.

Magento is coming of age as a robust and versatile platform extending complete solution to effortlessly propel e-commerce portals. By the virtue of being an open source software, enterprises often hire Magneto developers India to achieve extensive customization to create alluring interfaces for online shoppers and customers. One of the biggest challenges for online business owners is to choose the right platform to host their online shopping store. Magento has all the attributes that is required to run a top-notch online store with features namely, shopping cart, catalog management, search, checkout, intuitive administrative functions and much more.

Highly scalable and easy to use, Magento is the most evolving e-commerce platform with over 1,000,000 downloads to its credit. For carving a niche in the market, outsource Magneto development to India to facilitate the following features on to your Magento driven online store:

Overall Site Management

Search Engine Optimization

International Support

Marketing Promotions and Tools

Analytics and Reporting

Order Management

Checkout, Payment and Shipping

Customer Service

Customers Accounts

Mobile Commerce

Catalogue Management

Product Browsing

Catalogue Browsing

Owing to the popularity of the software platform it is backed by a number of talented communities of developer. The most potent and cost effective option to hire Magnento developer, who are the most competent in the global industry is by exploring the option of outsourcing. Outsource dedicated Magento developer from India and save up 60% of real time cost.

As an overseas client, you have the option to hire Magento developers on part-time and full -time basis. When exploring the prospects to hire dedicated Magento developer, look for the following skill- set that he/she must have:

Extensive knowledge of PHP & MYSQL

Knowledge of JavaScript, J Query, AJAX, XML, XHTML

Strong database designing skills

Strong knowledge of OOPs concepts

Familiar with Software Development Life Cycle [SDLC]

Ability to work with design integration, module development and extension development

Ability to work on Magento Core module and customization of working with third party web services for example payment gateway, shipment gateway etc

Ability to identify and fix bugs of any kind

Ability to handle independent projects

Ability to train and supervise team

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by: ravindra singh

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