subject: Liferay Portal Development - Taxonomies And Folksonomies [print this page] Folksonomies can be added as quickly as users require them and is a great tool for social discovery. They have user-driven approach that helps in organizing content through tags, cooperative classification and interaction via shared metadata. Folksonomies are executed by Portal with the use of tags that are associated to many assets and which may have many tags. This is known as tagging content. Also tag may have many properties and each property is made up of name-value pair. There are many drawbacks found in Folksonomies that stem out from its lacking vocabulary control resulting into erroneous, ambiguous and redundant keywords. Folksonomies can be helpful but cannot replace taxonomy.
Taxonomies and Folksonomies can coexist in SharePoint 2010.Taxonomies are designed to provide the most favorable experience for all stakeholders. They are a hierarchical structure used in scientific classification schemes but are difficult to execute. Taxonomies are executed as vocabularies by the portal and also as category trees for tagging contents and for classifying them. In SharePoint 2010 it allows to control folksonomies bymonitoring user-submitted keywords. This would help one to choose promotion of managed taxonomy or can delete keywords that seem problematic.
Liferay, a leading open source enterprise portal using Java and Web 2.0 technologies is widely these days by Liferay developers. In order to take advantage on the benefits of its Content Management System and Collaborating Suite Liferay developers provide wide range of Liferay portal development services by using it. There are companies that provide large range of Liferay development and consulting services such as theme development, portlet development, portal customization, etc.
Liferay developers having many years of experience in Liferay project development integration, Liferay portlet development services and Liferay configuration are always ready to take challenges and customize the requirements of their offshore clients even in the most complex content management systems. They have technical knowledge and capability in cross-platform environment that ranges between simplified database solutions to sophisticated network management systems. These are based on different platforms like Java, PHP, Dotnet, SharePoint, JBoss Portal, etc. Liferay developers provide solutions that meet client's requirements exactly.
Introduction to Knowledge Base
The portlet Knowledge Base allows authoring articles and arrange them in pecking order of navigable categories. It influences:
"Structures of articles
"Web content articles and templates
"Allows rating the articles it contains
"Allows adding hierarchy of categories
"Allows commenting on articles
"Allows to add tags on articles
"Allows to add custom attributes
"Allows usage of rule engine
"Allows exporting of articles to PDF & other formats
"Supports workflow
And much more.
This Portlet includes two pieces, one is articles which allow managing knowledge base articles and the other one is article aggregator that is used for publishing knowledge base articles.This includes tasks like mainly indexing and applying Folksonomies and Taxonomies on Knowledge Base articles. This allows one to increase search and retrieve capabilities in Knowledge Base articles. Same solutions can be pertained on any content like Blog entries, Web content, Wiki articles, Forum messages, Image gallery, forum messages, calendar entries, Bookmarks entries, document library documents, etc.
For example knowledge base article are tagged with subsequent tags and categories, one can use these tags and categories as an example.
Knowledge base articles can be searched or retrieved with given below features:
"Indexing articles with title, description, content, tags and categories
"Get back articles by tag
"Get back articles by category
"Get back articles by category hierarchy
"Find related articles
"Search by combination of tags, categories and category hierarchy
by: chiragaegis
Zaproxy alias impedit expedita quisquam pariatur exercitationem. Nemo rerum eveniet dolores rem quia dignissimos.
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