subject: Efficient Bin Look Up Systems To Preserve Your Financial Stability [print this page] Bin look up tools provide merchants with a secure environment for financial transactions especially through the internet. Bank identification numbers shortly called us BIN serves as a unique ID for recalling the details of cardholder. The Bin look up systems serves to check the authenticity of cards issued by comparing them with the details of the issuer's database.
Certain situations in business warrant the immediate implementation of bin look up systems. However to be effective, they must have the minimal features.
Ease of use
The bin look up tool should be easy to use with simplified features. The ease of search will surely contribute to shortening of time needed to conduct the search and help to prevent customer dissatisfaction. Online bin look up tools may sometimes require more time to load. However, most of the bin databases offer the search facility with the six digits of the card alone and this is refreshing for merchants and entrepreneurs who deal with large volumes of transaction. Along with payments, security features can also be configured to the bin look up tools for prevention of fraudulent transactions.
An accurate bin look up tool is a good supporting asset for business. The bin database should be accurate and contain all the necessary information needed to authenticate the cardholder's details. The accuracy is around 99 percent for most of the bin look up tools. The updates and security features are also more regular and trustworthy. The country of issue and details of issuing bank can add to the credentials. Accuracy is more guaranteed if the bin look up tool relies on a database built from data from reliable sources such as financial institutions, banks and merchants.
Comprehensive nature
The bin database should be accurate enough and comprise all the necessary information needed to verify the authenticity beyond doubt. The obsolete data should be removed from the bin database for ease of bin look up. The data should be authoritative, and the fields should not yield empty results. An ISO certification ensures the quality and compliance to the internationally demarcated standards for bin database. A certification therefore guarantees the user a hassle free bin look up experience and increase confidence among its users for managing finances in a better manner. Most licensed versions provide regular updates and maintenance so that the users can continue to rely upon them for quality and accuracy. Assistance to find out unidentified bank identification numbers is truly welcoming feature.
Ease of configuration
The charges applicable for the cards vary depending upon the nature of the card. Bin look up tools offer automated configuration with which these charges can be calculated and levied. The exact fees can therefore be billed without doubt.
The last factor to be considered while choosing the bin look up tool is the cost. There are free bin look up tools which can be either downloaded or used online. There are certain limitations on the number of bin searches per network. Usually they are restricted to ten. Licensed or commercial bin databases cost a little higher but are efficient and more accurate.
by: Gen Wright
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