subject: Starting A Family Treasure With Spring Cleaning [print this page] Spring cleaning deserves to be a national holiday by now. This is the time when we get a really good reason to renovate and clean out our closets and wardrobes from unwanted stuff.
This is also the season when we get to replace dated threads with new ones fit for the modern times. It gives us an excellent excuse to go shopping.
Actually, spring is the best season to go shopping because this is also the season when stores start to put their items on sale. It seems as if they are also cleaning out their shelves to give way to new goods. I must say that spring is the favorite season of cheapskates like me.
Unlike what a lot of people think, spring cleaning does not mean you need to throw away stuff from your closet. You just need to clear it from all the clutter and stuff you don't use anymore.
It promotes a clean and an ordered lifestyle. If you think your wardrobe and closet is good enough to spare from spring cleaning, you don't have to do it.
Generally, men love spring cleaning no matter what the season may be. This is because they have a lot of stuff that they are trying to fit in such a small space at home.
I guess that is why most men take up so much garage space at home. You will see a lot of their items around the garage and they get to brag about it.
For truly serious spring cleaners, you should be proud of yourselves. You should know that it is really difficult for anyone to let go of things that they got used to already.
Replacing something you really like with something you need more is a very brave thing to do. If you think that you love your junk too much, I suggest you find a different place to hide it in.
It would be best to separate your old stuff from the new ones. That way, you can have both your old and new stuff in their respective places at the same time.
You don't really have to throw your old stuff out if you do not want to. You can just start a collection and then make sure you clean and maintain it to keep it in good shape.
Most of the men I know started a collection of cufflinks that they don't use anymore. There are some vintage cufflinks that are no longer useable but are still good enough as displays. You should make sure you know how to clean your old cufflinks properly to keep them from falling apart.
In fact, I think that spring cleaning will help you start a family heirloom that you can pass on. Instead of throwing your aged cufflinks and watches, you can just pass it on to your son.
It is a very good way to develop a child's sense of responsibility. So as you can see, spring cleaning and family heirlooms are not that far away from each other. All you have to do is to become more into it.
by: Greg Savoie
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