subject: Lgn Prosperity Online Review - Learn How To Make Money [print this page] I asked DrI asked Dr. Sorin Nae, MD Plastic Surgery, on a timely recovery from hazards and aesthetic procedures: "From a health perspective, are not conditioned by a particular season or time of year. What matters the timing of surgery, is available for patient preoperative and postoperative period, which, depending on the specifics of each procedure, takes about 3 weeks before surgery and between 6 and 9 months after surgery. "
Although we may think they are very simple, plastic surgery is a serious surgical procedure and must give them due weight, so their preparation, and especially in the postoperative period. Not taking into account the doctor's exact instructions, can lead to infection.
Decision is taken to correct a defect along with your plastic surgeon. He decides, if necessary, and that is the best procedure. It also informs us correctly priviinta risks posed by each type of surgery. Preparation for plastic surgery begins approximately 4-6 weeks before. The doctor should be informed that we all mdicamentelor, including oral contraceptives, aspirin, vitamins, weight loss products. "The patient must be in a good health. With 4-6 weeks before oral contraceptives should be discontinued.
With 14 days before the intervention of any drug should be discontinued administration of the car contains acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). Smoking is contraindicated at least one month before and one after surgery. Excessive sun exposure should evitatea restrictive diets. The operation is not performed during the period around menstruation. Before surgery is a complete set of testing to make sure the patient is in good condition. On the day of surgery, the patient will not eat or drink anything for at least 6 hours before, "said Dr. Sorin Nae.
Depending on the type of intervention, and the individual patient, the recovery period can last from 2-9 months. Dr. Sorin Nae says that "in general, exercise should be avoided in the first two weeks and strenuous exercise and lifting weights, 4 weeks. This is where the abdominoplasty and breast surgery. For lgn prosperity rhinoplasty and otoplasty, the recovery period is smaller. "In terms postperatorie period depends strongly on the type of surgery .
"Because the postoperative period is so long, some patients prefer to operate in the autumn and into winter, to heal until the coming summer. It is, primarily, healing scars, a process that can take 6-9 months, during which you should avoid excessive exposure to sunlight or solar. "He said Dr. Sorin Nae.
by: Robby Sawlivich
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