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subject: How To Reduce Clutter In Your Life With Online Document Storage [print this page]

How To Reduce Clutter In Your Life With Online Document Storage

It's time for consumers to start using free online document storage systems. Why? Because there are few things more frustrating than being bombarded with stacks of paper mail and piles of bills and statements. And the stacks aren't small, considering the average American receives nearly 50,000 pieces of mail in his lifetime, and one-third of it is junk mail. That's a lot of junk mail.

All that paper takes up space, takes time to sort through, and takes up energy that could be used on more exciting activities. The average consumer does not want to spend his weekend surrounded by mounds of paper, according to common sense.

Then, once the paper is sorted, it has to be filed into big, bulky filing cabinets that take up even more space. And, honestly, those big bulky filing cabinets are not aesthetically pleasing. When you take a different approach, you will be able to put something in their space with something that looks great. The same consumer who's spending his weekend surrounded by mounds of paper could be out shopping for those newer, nicer pieces of furniture. It would make the weekend much more pleasant. So, in reality, using an online statement storage system would make the average consumer's weekend much more pleasant, also according to common sense.

Another issue that excessive clutter causes is stress in your everyday experience. That's why using an online space to store important account documents can reduce that clutter and can therefore reduce some of that unnecessary stress. If eliminating paper can eliminate stress, why not take advantage of a free storage service to make your life better?

Plus, the paper that doesn't get filed - also known as the previously mentioned "junk mail" - simply gets thrown away, leading to one of the nation's leading problems: paper waste. Paper and paperboard made up 31 percent of municipal waste in 2008 alone, according to the Clean Air Council. That could be because office workers in the United States generate around two pounds of paper and paperboard products every day. That is the equivalent to four million tons of copier paper each year. Honestly, is using all that paper really necessary?

That doesn't have to be the case since there are so many digital tools available that consumers can use to store their documents online with online document storage systems that anyone can use. Not only will consumers benefit by reducing the overwhelming amount of paper in their everyday lives, but they'll also contribute to preserving the environment, an effort with which all Americans can get on board.

Finding free statement storage online isn't hard to do and it's even easier to use. Consumers simply have to find the storage system that works best for them - and then the rest is easy. It will make managing their accounts more convenient, easier and hassle free. Overall, the best way for consumers to store their important account documents is the digital way because it reduces clutter, gets rid of stress and helps the environment.

by: Steward Gearlds
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