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Online Learning Management System (lms)

With rapid increase in the technological advancements, learning has become the important aspect for all the organizations. To withstand the fierce competition companies need to plan the learning strategy very cautiously. The key factors to be considered while planning for the strategy is the target audience, locations, process, learning preferences, the tools available for learning programs etc. The most commonly used delivery method is e-learning which most of the organizations are looking at. Learning Management System is the application which is used by the organizations to update the skill of the employees. It is the method which includes reporting, managing, securing etc. Most of the companies which include telecommunication, Information Technology, Education, insurance, banking etc are following the trend to introduce or improve the Learning Management Systems for online education. It helps the companies to train employees effectively from all the view points of business. It is used for the online learners to keep them up date. It mainly focuses on imparting and gathering of information. It also helps to analyze the progress report of students. It also contains the test section, quiz section as well as feedback section. It indirectly helps in enhancing the user experience. On the flip side there is one more method known as Learning Content Management system which keeps the track of all the content related issues. It includes updating of content, creation and mange of content as well. It helps them to review their results online

There is very subtle difference between Learning Management Systems and Learning Content Management system. LMS is the learner focused while LCMS is content focused. Learning Management system focus on e-Learning platform and Learning Content Management System focus on creation of content. It contains the customized online courses that help them to know about the companys products and services as well as latest information regarding their industry. Even with help of this employees can identify the areas where they are lacking.

Benefits of Learning Management system:

You can easily update information

This is the cost effective technology for learning

It is the multilingual tool to support e-Learning platform

It can be customized according to the requirements of the business

It improves the workforce

It is 24*7 customer support

It reduces the overall cost

It also eliminates the travelling expenses

Easy to enroll

It is easy to customize

It can be used anywhere any time

by: Reema Bajaj

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