subject: These Tips Will Help You Save On Auto Insurance [print this page] Do You Have a Minute to Save on Auto Insurance?
It's a big misconception that in order to save on auto insurance you need to visit lots of insurance agents or spend days researching on the computer. All you need are a few tips and little insider knowledge about auto insurance to save literally hundreds on your insurance rates. So, take a few minutes to read this article on auto insurance and it will pay off big!
First of all, how's your driving record?
I know, I know, it's not what you want to hear, but having and maintaining a good driving record is a key way to save on auto insurance. Drive your car carefully! The less tickets, the better when it comes to saving on auto insurance! Auto insurance rates plummet when you have a great driving record.
Know how much insurance you need!
In my opinion, too many people pay for auto insurance they don't need. Why waste the money? If you own your own car, you have a lot of options as to which auto insurance to carry. Some people decide to carry ONLY liability insurance on an older car. Always weigh the cost of insurance against the value of the car. Many opt to keep the extra cash they save in their pocket, and IF they have a fender bender they have plenty of money to pay for it. Now, if you are financing your car, you don't usually have the option of choosing which auto insurance to purchase. Lenders frequently require proof of full coverage auto insurance in order to loan you money for the car. But there are other options to save money on car insurance, even if you have to carry full coverage insurance...
That's right! Even if you must carry full auto insurance coverage, you can always raise your deductible on your insurance to save HUNDREDS on your insurance rates. Auto insurance is expensive enough, without giving extra money to the insurance companies! You won't believe how much, say, raising your auto insurance deductible from $250 to $1000 can save you! Check it out for yourself as you compare quotes for auto insurance (my next tip to save BIG on auto insurance!)
Compare, compare, and KEEP comparing auto insurance quotes to save BIG!
One of the best ways to save big on auto insurance these days is to take advantage of that computer of yours. It can save you days of research, and reveal more tips and tricks to save on auto insurance. Just google "auto insurance quotes," "online auto insurance quotes," or "car insurance quotes online." There are amazing websites out there for consumers! These auto insurance websites will take your auto information and compare quotes from many top insurance companies. They do all the hard work for you, and you get to reap the benefits by saving CASH on auto insurance!
Try these tips TODAY to save on YOUR auto insurance!
by: Will Dennin
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