subject: Online Summer School For High School: Why Go To The Trouble? [print this page] If you are thinking about doing some online classes this summer to add to those you are taking during the school year, you are not alone. This is an emerging trend among high school students who want to finish early or gain an advantage over those other students who will be competing with them for college slots.
Just a few years ago, online education was just a dream. Now, it has become the basis for a number of universities that hold nothing but online classes. This is a trend that will likely continue. As people begin to realize that they no longer have to be in a classroom sitting at a desk order to be educated, the democratization of learning is of Renaissance proportions. This means that people of all ages all over the world will be able learn the same things eventually that once were only the province of the great SAT test takers.
These are the reasons you should consider summer school classes online...
Not that expensive - It doesn't really cost that much to take a high school class online. For under $300 you can have one more of your classes behind you. That is the cost of a nice iPod. So, not that big of an investment for that huge of a reward.
Do the work whenever you like - This aspect of the online educational adventure cannot be overemphasized. Being able to do your work from anywhere is a game-changing advantage for most people. Because of the episodic nature of most high school classes, many students wait until the last minute to do all of their work, or at least only when the class seems eminent. Since your online class will allow you to work whenever you want, you can complete and turn in your classwork at 3 in the morning if you want. The online professor is always ready to accept your work and sometimes even grade it on the spot so you get immediate feedback and don't have to wait for it like you do with a traditional high school class.
Do the work wherever you like - This is a very nice aspect of online learning too. You can work however you feel most relaxed and receptive to learning. That can mean for many people working in their bedroom or at the kitchen table where no one knows or cares that you are working in your pajamas!
In summary, online summer school is the best way for an ambitious high school student to move forward without having to be stuck in a classroom all summer.
by: Roger Brown
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