subject: Online Loans Should Only Be Used For Emergency Reasons [print this page] Asking around, you might find that most people are not aware that they can get online and borrow money now. It's certainly not a secret, but it's also not a very common practice. Mortgage loans and auto loans are often initiated online, but eventually there will need to be personal interaction with loan officers; at some point in the transaction it becomes necessary. Online loans also include payday cash advance loans as well.
Very short term loans that are due and completely payable on your next payday have been the source of some controversy over the years. The general public is not always in favor of giving customers the option to borrow money secured by their income, regardless of whether these same customers have other options for borrowing or not. The fact is, most people who take advantage of payday loans do not have other options, certainly none that require excellent credit scores.
Since the need for high credit scores has become so commonplace, many borrowers are left out in the cold. The difficult economy and of course personal circumstances such as the consequences of medical debt and divorce decrees has left many people without the ability to borrow on their signature, and even unable to borrow against assets with value. It can be nearly impossible to do business with local banks, online banks, credit unions and other "regular" lenders when a person has a low credit score.
All doors to financial transactions seem to close, despite the nature of the particular situation that caused a poor credit score in the first place. Lenders are not required by law to be compassionate, and it is not usually in their own best interest to relax their banking and lending requirements for anyone. State auditors oversee all loan transactions, making it virtually impossible for banks to make exceptions for specific customers. And the same is true of online loans, unfortunately. Credit scores are a big part of the requirements for no credity check loans obtained over the internet.
However, there is one type of same day loan that is available online to customers who do not qualify with the use of a credit report. These loans are called payday loans, instant loans or cash advance loans, and they are not based on a credit score. They are based on the fact that the customer has a regular job with a regular, periodic paycheck. The customer's paycheck serves as security for the loan, because the entire loan is due on the date of his or her next payday. Fortunately, payday loans can also be online loans now, and that is the surprising news, the good news for many borrowers in this economy.
by: Leo Kingston
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