subject: Five Reasons Why Hypnosis Is So Popular For Weight Loss [print this page] In fact, according to statistics published by the National Center for Health Statistics show that over 60 million United States adults are actually overweight.
Everyday people are bombarded with various advertisements whose sole purpose is to entice the
individual into making unhealthy food choices. For example, the second you walk into a grocery store, you are subject to many sales and promotional offers that end up tempting you to make an unhealthy food purchase.
No one can be blamed for wanting to eat a cheeseburger over broccoli, even if they are on a diet.
However, a person does end up feeling really guilty after going against their diet plans and this
ultimately results in a negative effect on your subconscious.
The question comes down to how can you find out if what youre eating has a negative effect on your subconscious? Well, look at everything around you. If you do not see they dieting results you desired for, then there is somewhat of a negative effect on your subconscious.
In order to resolve the problem from the root, weight loss hypnosis was created. This form of hypnosis is proven to be effective in assisting individuals with weight loss. Countless clinical trials with over 60 participants have been conducted to ensure the effectiveness of this form of treatment. Still not convinced? Below are 5 reasons why hypnosis is so popular for weight loss.
Proven Effectiveness- As mentioned before, this form of treatment has been clinically proven to be effective in fighting weight gain and weight management. In fact, this form of treatment is as old as time and has been used by ancient civilizations for more than hundreds of years to change the behavior of various tribe members.
In a case study on 60 women, it was shown that those who used hypnosis lost 34% more weight than those who didnt. The results were initially published in the 1986 edition of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
Effortless Treatment- The best thing about this form of treatment is that it is virtually effortless. You do not need to do anything. Simply relax and let the hypnotherapist take care of the rest. To be honest, the hypnotic trance itself is a state of pure relaxation and it is because of this state, behavior can be altered.
Relatively Inexpensive- This form of treatment is actually very cheap compared to physiatrist visits and medication expenses. All you need to do is pay for the sessions (which are reasonable for the results obtained through treatment)and thats it. There is no medication and as a result, no medication expenses.
Permanent Changes- Due to the fact that this form of treatment helps to solve the root of the problem, the behavioral change is permanent. With that being said, you are able to reach your goals of weight loss that much quicker.
No Side-Effects- As there are no medications given, there are no side-effects to the human body or to your psychological well-being.There are many more benefits of using hypnosis to treat weight gain and ultimately gain control over weight management. This form of treatment is growing to be one of the best treatments against weight loss.
by: sal
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