subject: Enjoy Your Best Trip To Lucca [print this page] Lucca is one the most ancient cities of medieval Italy. The city has its historical past that is believed to be surrounded by the walls of renaissance and is bordered in the beautiful lush gardens. The city of Lucca is enriched by the rich culture, Romanesque Churches and architecture that are also some of the most beautiful sites to be seen in Italy. So whenever visiting Italy your trip can never be considered as complete until you visit this ancient city. Lucca has some of the best places to explore from the ground. Whenever visiting Lucca, you get a chance to visit one of the most exceptional prehistoric monument, the Duomo. This is one original monument that is made up of arches and columns and is believed to suggest a Pisan-Romanesque style that is reflected by it and is very much different from any other monument that exists till date.
You can also visit Casa Natale di Puccini which is also known as the birth place of Giacomo Pucccini who was also known as the greatest operatic composers of all time. This place is still considered as a home to Puccinis Piano which he had made us of for composing a number of classics. The place is also famous for Luccan Olive oil so you can purchase a bottle of fresh and pure Olive oil. You can manage to purchase Olive oil from a number of supermarkets and stores easily. There are a number of cafes in Luccan streets and you can always try looking for one of the best caf in the streets of Lucca so you can always spend some time in the evening observing the busy and elegant life. You can spend your day at Antico Caffe di Simo which is also and historic caf where Pucci spend most of his time dinning.
Apart from this you can also shop around the beautiful shopping malls and market around the city shopping for souvenirs at Via Fillungo Street. There are a number of shops in this street where you can also check out for pottery, porcelain and other crystal wares. There are also a number of exquisite churches in Lucca like the San Michele church which reflects the Pisan-Romanesque era and architecture. Some of the best churches are in Lucca which reflects the history of this ancient city. Besides this there are other number of places where you can spend your time in the evening with your friends just having a walk in the city streets.
by: Ufficio Vacanze
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