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subject: Apply For A Fun Job As A Camp Counselor [print this page]

Remember telling stories by the campfire as you roasted marshmallows? What about hiking through mountain trails and kayaking on the lake? If you like the idea of working the great outdoors, you might like a fun job like camp counselor.

Besides the fact that you will be making a positive difference in kid's lives, you get to relive the fun of the camp experience yourself. You'll get to work outside in a beautiful, peaceful setting, away from the stress of the city. You can also meet new friends, create lasting memories, and build relationships.

On top of building relationships, you will be building your resume and learning new skills. If you're a college student with an eye on a career in child development, athletics, sports management, theater or dance then being a camp counselor is a good way to get a head start on your resume in those departments and more training and skills that you can learn on the job.

Part of what camp counselors do is to lead kids in recreational activities like hiking, swimming, arts and crafts, tennis, boating, music and games. Camp counselors are responsible for supervising the daily life of the campers and being responsible for them at all times. They are also responsible for enforcing the rules.

Camp counselors should be mature and responsible and capable of handling a group of kids or teenagers. This is a good chance for them to learn new leadership skills.

The job is seasonal and the hours can include nights and weekends, so some flexibility is required. Counselors will often have some time off to enjoy their surroundings. They can go hiking or play tennis with the other counselors or just enjoy the relaxation.

There is usually a fair amount of turnover as former camp counselors move on to other jobs. They are more likely to sign on again for the following summer season if they are thought of more as educators than camp counselors, and if they are more involved in learning the kinds of skills they will need for future employment.

The pay may be slightly lower than normal, but many people like the chance to work a fun job in the great outdoors where they get to learn new skills, meet new people, and build up a resume after college.

So, if you're looking for a fun, seasonal job where you can stay active, get your resume in early.

by: Julie Austin

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