subject: Teenage Room Decorating Ideas | Kids Room | Kids Room Design [print this page] If you have a teenage boy at home then you know how difficult it can be to get his room looking as hip and as cool as he wants it to without breaking your bank or your little boy. Part of decorating your teenage son's bedroom is learning to work with him to decorate his room rather than doing it for him.
Your teenage son is looking for ways to express himself as he's in a more awkward stage of life and trying to decide who he is as a person and who he's going to be. The best thing you can do as a parent is stand back and let your teenage boy learn to express himself in a healthy manner.
Learning to pair your parental prowess with your teenage son's newfound freedom is naturally going to be difficult but it can be much easier for you if you learn to expect the following things, and be prepared to work in sync with the changes.
Posters are about to become wallpaper - With teenage boys (and girls!) posters are always hugely popular. These posters will depict favorite super heroes, favorite actors, sports heroes, models, artwork, bands and hundreds if not thousands of different ideas and icons of the current era and your son's generation. You won't always understand the images your son wants to hang on his wall, but as his parent, the most you should do is suggest more tasteful images, but still not take away his ability to express himself.
Messes on the floor - Teenage boys have a habit of leaving things all over the floorfoods, books, clothes (especially stinky gym socks that he's been wearing for three weeks straight!) and other various items. If you want to protect your carpet but not infringe on your son's individualism, you can always purchase an area rug. Using solid colors, like a blue area rugs, will keep youthe parentout of the picture in terms of dcorbut you can always choose an area rug that's made from colorfast, stain resistant material. Kids area rugs with designs your son can enjoy are also an excellent choice, like a surfing rug. As long as you allow your son to make the choice for himself, instead of you making the choice for him.