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subject: Buying Online Website At A Discounted Price [print this page]

Finding prosperous internet real estate is not unlike purchasing the "real deal" from a common real estate agent. In order to catch the most bang for your buck, and the best chance at deep profits, you need to buy low and sell high. In the web community that means acquiring an internet web page at a discounted price. The good news is that the opportunities for being able to do so are abundant. The bad news? There is so much to choose from, so many places out there to look, that it can be overwhelming narrowing all your choices down. When you catch ready to buy an internet web page, make sure that you are aware of the opportunities and the challenges right away. And those are:

Opportunities for acquiring internet site at discount

There are literally millions upon millions of web pages out there today, and most of them are failures. They aren't necessarily failures because they are bad ideas. Most are failures because their owners were unable to position themselves correctly. If you check out the various parked domain that are out there in the world today, it becomes apparent there is a sea of undeniable prospect. Parked domain often belong to aspiring entrepreneurs, who've said, "Okay, that's enough, it's time to quit." These individuals are so desperate to catch out from under their web pages, they are willing to sell at a deeply discounted price. In the regular real estate game, these types of sellers are known as "motivated sellers." You need to discover the ones on the Internet, who are motivated, if you hope to catch a great deal that virtually guarantees profits.


Cutting by following the swath of great ideas can be somewhat overwhelming, especially if you are not a technologies junkie. There is also the reality that once you discover a site that will work for you, it takes negotiation skills to catch the deal that you want. If you are uncomfortable at the bargaining table, then you may not want to pursue this avenue for making a living internet. Under any circumstances, try to remember that you often need the upper hand, and that ideas are a dime a dozen. If one deal isn't to your liking, you need the ability to walk away from it until you discover a deal that is lucrative. There is no such thing as the single greatest idea in the whole wide world. Ideas can be beneficial, but they are worthless without the action to develop them and the prowess to turn them into the black.

As you decide which domain to buy, make sure that you realize there is no one, who can make you accept a seller's price. You hold the cards. Start acting like it.

by: Gen Wright

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