subject: You Can Get An Online Mba [print this page] I have a dear friend who went to school to be a teacher. He was the best elementary school teacher I had ever known. But deep down he wanted to be a college English professor. My mother became a nurse before I was born. What she always wanted to be was a doctor. Both my friend and my mother kept putting off their dreams saying they didn't have any time to get a masters degree or didn't have the money. But really, they were making excuses.
I sat down with my friend and had coffee one day. He told me he was worried that he wouldn't be able to get a degree and still keep his job. It was a huge time commitment, getting a degree. Then I told him to look at online masters degrees from top online MBA programs. He was amazed that he could basically work out his own schedule to still work at the school with his kids but continue his education to pursue his dream!
My mother on the other hand already knew about online MBA programs. She had been doing research into what programs were the best and which fit her schedule. She had narrowed down the possibilities but still didn't pursue an online masters degree. When I asked her why, she simply stated that she didn't think she could afford it. She still had two kids in college at the time. That's when she and I found out about certain schools that actually have financial aid and scholarship programs for those people who were still working professionals. With the money she could get from the school itself, it would not be a financial burden to go back and obtain an online masters degree.
Some people will make any excuses they can not to pursue their dreams and passions. Sometimes all they need is a slight push in the right direction and a few key pieces of information. Now my friend and my mother are nearing the end of their online MBA programs and they couldn't be happier that they actually followed their dreams and saw them through to the end. I now tell all of my friends at they can also follow their dreams and become what they always wanted to be just by getting an online masters degree while they are still working. It all comes down to you. So no more excuses. Find an online MBA
by: Mark Etinger
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