subject: This Dog Could Own A Company [print this page] Meet SnickersMeet Snickers. She's my one year old Puggles. And I am convinced that if she were human she could really own her own company! Snickers has some wonderful business characteristics. Let me share a couple.
This dog can FOCUS! Yes, i know she is only little over a year old. And she is curious! She checks out everything and nothing goes without her attention and curiosity. And when she gets interested in someone or some thing, you can not get her attention off it/them.
I have seen me get Snickers away from some toy or object or bone or something she should not have, only to realize when my guard was down, that her attention was focused back on that forbidden item. Business owners, managers, and sales people should be focused. Too often they give up way too soon. Say no, and some sales people are ready to take a hike. Divert their attention and some sales people will give in and give up. Not Snickers! She has focus!
Take her to another room and she's back again. Hide the object and she searches until she finds it. Oh, if business people would have that tenacity. If only, they too would keep their eyes on the goal, and never give up. Many a sale has been lost, because the sales person gave up too early.
Snickers LOVES PEOPLE. I do not care who comes to the door, they are welcomed with a wagging tale and movements typical of Snickers. There are no strangers, unless they do not stop at our house. If they walk or jog by, she gives them a bark. If they stop, she gets excited.
Companies that grow must have people who care about others. They must gravitate toward people. They must welcome them and enjoy them just as they are. Too often we see them as just another sale, but people need to be valued for who they are. That is what my dog, Snickers, does. She values each person that comes into her life. They are a friend for life!
Snickers has ENTHUSIASM! No matter what she is doing, this dog is enthusiastic. When you come home, she's excited. When she's playing with you, she's enthusiastic. When she goes outside, she's enthusiastic.
People in business must maintain an attitude of ENTHUSIASM. Sure the going gets rough. The directions are not always clear. The problems seem insurmountable, but all that can drag you down. People do not want to be around pessimistic, down in the dumps, "lost their perspective" kind of people. And they do not want to buy from them.
So you need to watch your attitude! You know, attitude is very crucial. Employees need to see a positive attitude. Prospects need to see a positive attitude. Investors need to see a positive attitude. AND ENTHUSIASM IS EVERYTHING.
Well, Snickers makes a lot of mistakes. She is still in many ways a puppy. She chews things, often the wrong things. She likes to go after my pant leg if i have not been home for a while or have not given her enough attention. She has some bad habits too.
You guessed it, business people have their faults too. But just as Snickers is successful, in spite of her faults, business owners, managers and sales people CAN BE TOO.
by: saddam
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