subject: Senior Dating Tips: The 4 Steps To Detoxify Your Dating Life [print this page] Have you ever felt so stressed that you mind is all jumble up? Work, relationships, being single, dating, etc. All these can get to you and add up to all the pressure. These things can deplete your energy and can discourage you. Have you been long in the dating scene? If you want to be back in the dating game as lively as before- then you need to be detoxified.
1. Purge all the toxins.
It's no use to start refreshing and detoxifying yourself when you are still taking in all those negativity. When you are holding on to those things that drag you down then it will make it more difficult. All those failed attempts at relationships can really wear you down. They can leave debris of disappointment and regret in your life. All these are toxic to your well-being and it can affect your future relationships and views in dating. You have to purge it all out by letting go. You have to move on from your past, forgive and forget them if you can. This will help you be set free from your past and lose the chains that are holding you down.
2. Be careful what you consume.
I bet all of us have heard the phrase, "you are what you eat", well this is true also regarding your love life and not just for food. Another regimen that you should include when detoxifying is to monitor all the things that enter your mind and those that come out of your mouth. Words, thoughts, advice and all the images that you see can affect you. Stay away from the downers. People that are no good, friends who always whine and people who have negative views in love and dating. Instead watch uplifting movies, read interesting books, be with people who happen to be in great relationships. When you think that you are sinking then don't just stay there, do something about it. Listen to upbeat love music and tracks rather than the blues.
3. Rebuild your habits.
When it comes to detoxifying, it's not just about getting rid of all those unhealthy habits. It's also about replacing them with new ones. When you rid yourself from all those negative habits and emotions, then there will be an empty space- so replace them with good and new ones. Make a plan and be the best possible partner and person you can be. Improve in any aspect that you are still lacking.
4. De-stress yourself.
This is the last step in detoxifying yourself. Now that you have detoxified yourself from all the stress on life and love you move on to the important last step- you have to destress yourself to avoid being back in that previous position. Being stressed can create a negative impact on your life and even your dating life. When you are pressured and it keeps building up, there will come a time that it will break you. Don't put pressure on yourself and on your date. Lighten up. Dating should be fun and light in the first place. By doing so it will make you more happy and finding a date won't stress you anymore.
Everybody needs to be detoxified every now and then. If you want to be in a tip top shape, then treat yourself with some TLC. Invigorate yourself for a better and healthier dating life.
by: Andrea Carless
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