subject: The Many Possibilities For Adventure Travel [print this page] If you're tired of taking the same old vacations where you spend most of your time sitting on a tour bus, you should consider adventure travel. This type of trip will spice up your vacation and you will experience things you wouldn't ordinarily. There are all sorts of activities and destinations that can be called adventure travel, and it's up to you to decide what sounds like fun. As you read on, you will discover some valuable ideas for excursions that are farther outside the realm of ordinary.
If you want to swing from the trees like Tarzan in a safe way, zipline tours should appeal to you. In this type of tour, harnesses connect you to cables that allow you to ride through forests at more than 30 mph. This is a whole new way of exploring new places, and you'll experience the world in an entirely different way.
Being high up in the trees gives you a birds eye view of the world, and each region you explore this way is going to be different. This certainly qualifies as adventure travel, but it's not nearly as scary or dangerous as many other activities that involve heights -e.g. skiing, rock climbing, skydiving, etc. You can now find zipline tours in many different places, and they're becoming more popular every year. If you're interested in a real challenge, consider a trek in the Himalayas, the world's highest mountain range. You'll find quite a few treks offered for people of all levels of experience, and you'll generally be starting off in Nepal. Keep in mind, however, that any trek at such high altitudes is going to be challenging, especially if you're not an experienced hiker or mountain climber. If you're not accustomed to high altitudes, there's a very good chance you'll have to contend with altitude sickness at some point. Still, trekking in Nepal is a unique travel experience and not only exposes you to extremes of nature but some fascinating cultural attractions as well.
Nothing can expose you to more beautiful and exciting parts of the planet than scuba diving. Scuba diving puts you in the same environment as a stunning multitude of fish and plants you'd never otherwise see. Whether you go diving in the Pacific, the Caribbean or any other ocean, you can find a different terrain in each one. Scuba diving isn't something you can just do without experience, so you should look into what's necessary to get certified. You don't necessarily have to visit an exotic location, however, to get certified, so you should research the closest place that offers this.
You have lots of options when it comes to adventure travel, and we've only had room to introduce you to a sampling. It's just a matter of deciding where you want to go and what you love to do. Adventure travel allows you to experience travel the way it's meant to be experienced -as something different and exciting.
by: Arron Zeitlin
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